Saturday morning and time for a western - a spaghetti western with Terence Hill and Bud Spencer, who have appeared together a couple of dozen times.Hill can be found in some of the most popular movies today, like Wanted and Get Smart. He has been in many films under the name Mario Girotti; this is only the second film where he used his present name. It is the first film where Bud Spencer, previously Carlo Pedersoli, appears under that name.Lots of shoot-em-up action. Really not bad for a PG-1 western. Would have expected more from something that came from Italy.
Witchfinder General 666
This is a review of the uncut version, not the cut 'comedy' version."Dio Perdona... Io No!" aka. "God Forgives.. I Don't!" is not only the first film with both Bud Spencer and Terence Hill in the leading parts, it is also one of their best movies. Although the movie has many gags and humorous parts, "God Forgives... I Don't!" is not one of the usual Spencer/Hill comedies, but a pretty brutal and rather serious Spaghetti Western.The movie starts with a train rolling into a town. Everybody on the train was massacred and the fortune it carried was stolen. Two gunslingers, Cat Stevens (Hill), and Hutch Bessy (Spencer) realize that the whole coup looks like the work of Outlaw Bill San Antonio. The mysterious thing about it is, however, that Cat killed San Antonio in a duel several months ago. On their search for the gold, the two get several clues that Bill San Antonio only staged his own death."God Forgives.. I Don't!" is definitely the most serious and brutal of the Spencer/Hill collaborations. Anyway, the movie also has many of the typical Spencer/Hill movie ingredients, like the numerous fistfights in which Spencer's character uses his typical hammering one punch technique. Spencer and Hill show that they are not only great as a team in comedies, but also in a serious Spaghetti Western. Another Highlight of this movie is the great performance of Spaghetti Western Star Frank Wolff as the evil Bill San Antonio. I also liked the score a lot, especially the part with the somehow aggressive, dynamic, classical choir.In Germany and Austria, this movie was released under three different titles. After the uncut version was released, it was re-released as a "Django" movie, and released again in its cut 'comedy version'. Terence Hill's character is also referred to as 'Django' in the uncut German version, and his dubbed voice is different to his dubbed voice in his later comedies.All told, "God Forgives... I Don't" is a great Spaghetti Western, not like the usual Spencer/Hill movies, but a pretty brutal and serious movie, and definitely one of their best collaborations. 8/10
This film is one the first collaboration between Spencer and Hill, in which they both play a big part (and it is their first film together with their FAMOUS screen names). It is no great film by any means, but I must say that I've seen worse films of both actors. The main difference between this film and most other Spencer and/or Hill films, is that it has a more serious nature and is a lot more brutal than their usual comedy-style films. The story is pretty good though, as is the acting and the music and the whole is watchable, but not good. What might have made it a notch worse for me, is that Spencer and Hill did not have their standard German voices, but I cannot really say, because
well it's obvious isn't it!?! Ok spaghetti western if you're into the more serious side of western. If you're more interested in comedy-western try a Trinity film.
6,5 out of 10 (with a 6 given upon voting)
Even though it stars Terence Hill and Bud Spencer don´t expect this to be a light-hearted comedy flick like the Trinity westerns. Realistic clothing, dusty dark intense atmosphere and a downright good script make this one a winner. If you want every grandmothers dream, parading around in his pink shirt and right out of the laundromat jeans shooting baddies by the dozens, don´t even bother watching this one. These characters got personality and flaws just like you and me.Buy it, Rent it or forget all about it. 8/10