Glitter: The Popstar Paedophile

Glitter: The Popstar Paedophile
6.5| 1h5m| en| More Info
Released: 23 April 2024 Released
Producted By: ITV
Country: United Kingdom
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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This feature-length documentary for ITV1 and ITVX is the first detailed up to date telling of the dark double life of Gary Glitter - real name Paul Gadd - who was viewed as an iconic performer in his heyday, yet was later exposed as a predatory child abuser. The documentary highlights how Glitter was able to evade justice for decades meaning he was free to travel abroad and continue offending. Documenting his crimes committed both in the UK and across the globe, this new film weaves historical victim testimony, archive and interviews with those who met Glitter on the showbiz circuit, as well as lawyers involved in both the prosecution and defence of Glitter during the different trials across the decades. The programme looks into how Glitter used his charismatic onstage persona to cover up his predatory offstage behaviour, meaning he was only brought to justice decades after lighting up the charts with a slew of catchy hits.

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