Glass House: The Good Mother

2006 "A mother's love is unconditional."
5.5| 1h34m| R| en| More Info
Released: 03 October 2006 Released
Producted By: Destination Films
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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One year after losing their son David, Eve Goode and her husband Raymond Goode adopt the orphan Ethan Snow (and his teenager sister Abby Snow and bring them to their mansion nearby a lake. Abby faces difficulties of adaptation in her new home, and she confronts Eve, who proves to be deranged and unstable. When Ethan gets sick, Abby tries to contact their friend, detective Ben Koch, and she realizes that her brother and she are trapped in the house.

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whpratt1 This film deals with two children, Abby Snow,(Jordan Hinson) and her bother, Ethan Snow,(Bobby Coleman) who are adopted by a husband and wife. These two children become very happy with their new home and parents and things start to change. Abby begins to suspect some very dark secrets that her mother has in her room. Abby also finds out that her brother Ethan is becoming ill and she fears for her life. Eve Goode, (Angie Harmon) plays the role as the mother of Abby and Ethan and gives an outstanding performance as a rather moody and depressed mother who controls her children as if they were intruders. There is plenty of suspense and thrilling moments in this film and it is well produced and directed.
cornflowersandcolour Well, I think it was a pretty good movie. It was done well, and had great acting. The story was very well written, except for the ending. But I think it should have been called "The good mother" and not "Glass house 2: The good mother". It's not about the same people, and has NOTHING to do with Glass House. Some parts of this movie weren't explained well. In the "deleted scenes" section of the DVD it says Abby and Ethan's parents were shot while some one robbed them. I think it wasn't a very good idea doing that because while I was watching it, all I could of was "How did their parents die?". The other thing I would like to know is what happened to Abby, Ethan, and the police man? Did he adopt them? What happened? That's what I would like to know.All in all, this is a good movie. I recommend it to a lot of people who like these kinds of movies!
Anra Wilsman Well, after seeing "The Good Mother" my heart was still racing. It was basically about,grieving mother,Eve Goode and her obsessive desire to be a caring, protective, loving, healing mother, who's recent victims happen to be recently orphaned Abby and Ethan Snow. Abby soon finds out that her foster mother's obsessive desire is as extreme as it is deadly, when she finds out her foster mother's frightening secret.Sequel to The Glass House, which itself was entertaining, "The Good Mother" fit along well with the previous plot. It was quite close to being the same thing.I personally enjoyed the film, It was suspenseful at times and very interesting.The acting was good and the emotion was evident.I recommend it, to all who enjoy suspenseful,and thrilling films with a little bite to it.
snowdog-14 Having lived with an abusive stepparent, this hit the nail bang on the head. DAMNED scary. Soundtrack was nice, acting superb all around, and the photography lush and brilliantly planned.Actually, I'd rate this as an 8.5, because the enabling stepfather was just a little TOO accommodating, although the writing is otherwise well-crafted. The reason I gave this a ten is to offset the overly biased previous postings which don't give this movie its due. The visuals are truly stunning, the sets gorgeous, and the camera-work clever and innovative.Oh, and the actresses are unbelievably beautiful. The "stepmother" is a latter-day Ali McGraw, and it's testament to her talent that she can go from dazzlingly, breathtakingly sexy to skin-crawlingly scary within a matter of seconds.The "stepdaughter" is also great, absolutely believable and so pretty and vulnerable you know she's going to be a major heartbreaker as she matures.Don't listen to the negative voices. Judge for yourself. A solid, high-tension, superbly-crafted thriller.(And no, I have no connection whatsoever to anyone involved.)