Girl Walk // All Day

2011 "A music video of epic proportions."
7.9| 1h17m| en| More Info
Released: 08 December 2011 Released
Producted By: Wild Combination
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A feature-length dance music video and tale of urban exploration that follows three dancers across New York City. They turn the city's sidewalks, parks, and stadiums into an evolving stage as a story of rebellion, love, and discovery unfolds. Shot entirely in public spaces, and funded entirely by crowd-sourcing, the film is a statement about the power of community and public space. Set to the album "All Day" by mashup musician Girl Talk, it's also an insanely fun love letter to New York.

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Wild Combination


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dbborroughs Don't ask how many times I've seen this film-the answer isn't healthy...Jacob Krupnick's dance film is pure joy. Set to Girl Talk's All Day album the film is simply three people dancing across the New York City interacting with people on the street.There kind of is a story- one girl wants to get the world to dance while two guys try to have her fall in love with them through dance.Shot on the sly the film is was done via guerrilla filmmaking. Krupnick and his dancers just showed up at a location and shot. The interactions with the non dancers in the film are real (Anne Marsen really is being tossed from Yankee Stadium and the subtitled question about why she was dancing just happened). Some times they used music to dance to some times they just danced. Krupnick then edited it all together using the available for free mash up album (in reality one one hour and fifteen minute long mix) as his soundtrack. The result is a film that is pure joy on film. There is no pain and suffering, only a call to dance. This is one of the most perfect marriages of film and music I've seen. Trust me I've watched the film with out sound and I've listened to the album without the image and both are not as good.Together they make a perfect whole where the lyrics fall away and we just have the sound and the cadence causing out heroine and her suitors to dance.Because of problems owing to copyrights with the music the film is not in regular release but can be seen at the Girl Walk All Day website or at its frequent screenings at various events. However you see it just see it. For get the idea of a plot,forget your troubles and just danceAs I said my favorite film of all time.(The info on the making of the film came from an interview I did with the director)