Girl vs. Monster

2012 "Face Your Fears"
5.4| 1h29m| PG| en| More Info
Released: 12 October 2012 Released
Producted By: Bad Angels Productions, Ltd.
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Skylar finds out that her parents are monster hunters after she accidentally releases some monsters from a secret containment chamber; so she and her techno friends must recapture all the monsters and also save her mom and dad from these monsters who are out for revenge.

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SnoopyStyle Skylar Lewis (Olivia Holt) comes from a family of monster hunters and she doesn't know it. Her parents keeps her home for Halloween but she decides to cut the power to the home alarm. The problem is that power is also cut from the containment vessel and various monsters are released. Family friend Cobb reveals the family secret. With her scared friends Henry and Sadie, she must recapture Deimata who intends to possess her.This Disney movie is a showcase for some of its young stars and is aimed for their young fans. It's inferior in many ways. The writing, the adult actors, the special effects, and the plotting are all second rate in one way or another. Mostly, this relies on the movie's young stars. Olivia Holt is definitely a beauty although she may be better off playing the mean girl. Kerris Dorsey plays the best friend and she may have better dorky innocence to accentuate the leading role. Why not have the mean girl and the sweet girl team up to defeat the monsters? The plot doesn't really make any sense. I don't know why she would go to the party except that it needs to manufacture the situation. It does have the central premise about fear which is very appealing. One must grade on a curve for these kinds of movies.
jfgibson73 The pattern I find with a lot of these Disney Channel movies (and shows) is that they usually have a charismatic, talented performer to build around, but the writing is incredibly flimsy. In this case, Olivia Holt's performance wasn't enough to redeem the terrible choices the filmmakers made. Although my elementary age daughter enjoyed it, I had a big problem in that there were almost NO monsters. The title made me think it was going to be like an episode of Buffy with all different kinds of monsters coming at her. Then, the design and costuming of the three villains was so underwhelming that they alone pretty much sucked any interest out for me. Also, you get a lame reworking of Ghostbusters for a story, and some really dismal performances. Sometimes, in spite of these shortcomings, Disney's made for TV movies still somehow turn out to be watchable and fun. I didn't think so this time. It's too bad, because they have some talented kids on their roster, but they don't put nearly as much care into these quickly made productions as they do their theatrical features. These could do better if they really wanted to.
bkoganbing The Magic Kingdom came up short with this made for TV movie designed to showcase the talents of Olivia Holt and Luke Benward. Girl vs. Monster if you're over the age of 12 will have you laughing in all the wrong places.Not that Benward and Holt are bad, in fact they make this somewhat tolerable. Their best moments are in the musical interludes. There should have been more of them.Young Olivia typical teen with strict parents wants to go to a Halloween Party real bad, but she's got a curfew. The parents have reason to worry about her though. Unbeknownst to their daughter, they're professional monster hunters with equipment that the Ghostbusters got rid of of in a garage sale. When some monsters get loose on Halloween that's when Olivia discovers her roots.Now maybe if the folks who made Ghostbusters did this one it might have been a whole lot better. Girl vs. Monster is not the best product out of the Magic Kingdom.
GL84 Trying to keep a rival from her crush, a teen's attempt to sneak out to a party frees the captured monster spirits collected by her monster-hunter parents and must round them up before they overtake the town during the Halloween party.This here managed to be a pretty enjoyable and entertaining children's horror effort that has a lot going for it. By starting off with all the usual teen drama over the wishful relationship, the friendships between each other and their ability to almost be superheroes by accomplishing anything no matter the situation or solution presented gives this a rather easy integration into the horror scenes, watered-down as they are for such a release format as this one has, that come later on. Those aren't bad, with a creepy graveyard stalking, a rather enjoyable confrontation in the woods between the group and a pretty creepy creature as well as a rousing hunt for the creatures inside the mansion party when they get released and begin wreaking havoc with the guests, only to be saved by another dose of the super-teen lifestyle mentioned earlier. It's also got a lot of good by showcasing the monsters mostly as practical effects instead of CGI only for minimal use, plus it has a lot in the overcoming of your fears which is a good message to spread and does nicely in managing to mix the two genres together nicely. As usual, the comedy's hit-or-miss but it's not enough to hurt it much overall for the lame joke or pratfall doesn't hurt it as much as it could have.Rated Unrated/PG: Mild Violence.