I recently reviewed Gods and Generals and gave it a one star, so I thought it was only fair I review Gettysburg.Now I read all 3 books at least once year: Gods and Generals, The Killer Angels, and The Last Full Measure.Maxwell comes pretty close to getting everything right, which makes me wonder why he just made stuff up for Gods and Generals. The lighting and photograghy by Kees Van Oostrum is outstanding, especially in the interior scenes - they didn't have electricity back then, you had to duplicate candle light and lanterns.I watched this again the other week. It was made for TV and it shows. The action scenes are dodgy. The battle of little round top was excellent but during the bayonet charge, you can clearly see the extras stopping in the middle of things and standing around awkwardly - almost like they are not getting paid for this and they don't want to get hurt.
If you are looking for an authentic portrayal of the dramatic events of Gettysburg, this is a must-see for history buffs. Without expressing any bias toward the political dynamite that is the U.S. Civil War, this movie fairly shows two narratives to what I can assume is accurate in terms of what soldiers, politicians and generals experienced.Knowing that this movie is not for everyone (especially main stream movie watchers), do not be intimidated by the movies length. Acting is superb (Martin Sheen and Tom Berringer shockingly good) and the props used for this film further gives the immediate feeling of authenticity. The fact that this film had scenes shot at the actual battlegrounds of Gettysburg is amazing enough.What this movie lacks some time is better pacing, but other than that this movie accomplishes in all ways what story it wanted to tell and how to tell it.Watch it, judge by yourself. I totally recommend this movie.
Lots of pretty, gentlemanly Southern dialogue interspersed with battle scenes where hardly anyone dies until close to the end. No mention of Dan Sickles, or much at all about General George Meade. Yes, the fight scenes become more intense during the final 60-90 minutes, but this was the bloodiest battle on American soil, 620,000 plus American lives lost, yet this reminded me of a Disney production. It should be remade in a grittier style, like Saving Private Ryan, then we'd see what it was really like.
Better still, want to learn about the Civil War? Go to Gettysburg!!!
I found the movie very interesting especially how well the attacks were planned by both sides before battle also the mind set of the soldiers both for the north and the south impressed me. They showed just how much they cared for what they were fighting for and what they wanted as a result from this war. This movie also shows just how bad the civil war really was. Also I didn't realize that so many generals and high ranking officials died during this war. It just shows that they didn't put their lives before the lives of the soldiers that they were commanding. One other thing I was surprised about was how Robert E.Lee didn't really listen to his fellow generals about how they feel they should attack the Union instead he felt his way was always the best but that proved to be wrong at Gettysburg.