Derek Childs (totalovrdose)
When it comes to all things Gatchaman, I'm a novice. Ask me trivia about any of the plots, characters or creators, and I will provide you a bewildered expression every time. After watching the live-action Space Battleship Yamato, without any previous knowledge of the Anime, and thoroughly enjoying the feature, I had reason to believe going into this recreation without expectations would equal just as good an experience, and for the most part, I was accurate in my assumptions.It's the future, and Galactor, a villainous group, with unequaled power, have ravaged much of the world, under the authority of their ruthless leader, Berg Katze. Although initially their origins are largely unexplored, as the film continues, much of how their regime came to be is explained. In order to halter this antagonistic threat, Gatchaman, a collective of five brilliant young agents, are assembled by Professors Nanbu (Goro Kishitani) and Kirkland (Ken Mitsuishi). Their childhoods stolen from them, these agents, who are the only humans on the planet capable of merging with the technology needed to stop Galactor, must put aside their emotions, differences, and spite for their creators, in order to become the heroes they need to be.Ken (Tori Matsuzaka) leads the beautiful Jun (Ayame Gouriki), the adolescent Jinpei (Tatsuomi Hamada) and often comedic Ryu (Ryohei Suzuki) as the East Asian Gatchaman squad, their fifth member, George (Gou Ayano), who has, for the past few years been fighting in Europe, returning early on after being incognito. George and Ken suffer the most complicated relationship, both of them once being in love with the attractive Naomi (Eriko Hatsune), who unfortunately died at the hands of Galactor agent Iriya (Shido Nakamura) as a result of one of them being unable to control their stubbornness.Unable to forgive each other, Ken has sworn to put duty before anything else, while George is willing to put duty aside to claim his revenge. At the same time, Jun (who is unfortunately portrayed as the love-sick young woman often encountered in Anime, though Ms. Gouriki is not to blame for this stereotype) cannot hide her feelings for George, yet occasionally, it's difficult to fathom whether it is really he she likes, or Ken, the writers also appearing to be unable to decipher this dilemma. The drama exhibited between the characters is often very intense, albeit sometimes over-exaggerated, the team frequently forcing themselves into each others faces, the threat of a physical altercation often never being far off, the actor's presence on screen working remarkably to build the tension.The costumes take little time to become acquainted with, potentially because each of them are a combined assortment of cliché designs familiar to other programs, while at the same time matching the feature's genre, the musical score furthering the superhero ideals frequently employed. Katze, during the opening scenes looks especially peculiar in the Galactor suit, while the women on the other hand, and pardon me for saying so, fit very snugly into their uniforms.The effects are incredibly alluring, and beneficially assist the action scenes in not only appearing extraordinary on screen, but feeling as equally impressive too. The vibrant assortment of color is incredibly gorgeous, in not just making the fights come alive, but assist the viewer in determining the stereotypical heroic and villainous nature of the characters.Although Gatchaman may originally appear similar and predictable in accordance with other like programs, especially in regards to the climatic moments, there are some exceptionally great twists that keep the viewer enthralled until the very end. It's a shame the feature is so male dominated, and further insult is inflicted by the female characters often being reduced to discussing relationships. Though emotional ideas are employed, the film is hardly affected by them, while the ability to produce a film without resorting to buckets of violence and continuous profanity is admirable. Character driven, fun, occasionally humorous, and action packed, Gatchamn is sure to entertain audiences familiar and new to the franchise.
David Graf
Yes, it's cliché. So what? Have you seen many Japanese live action adaptations of powered superheroes in the last twenty years? Then I rest my case. Cliché is practically a genre unto itself. But there are a few surprises here, and the moments ripped directly from the series will (perhaps shamefully, but it's dark in the cinema so no-one will see you) have you clapping your hands like a kid again.Sadly, the story was cheesy. It was too melodramatic. The plot saves were sloppy and the dialog was groan-inducing. In the hands of the Japanese equivalent of Joss Whedon (if he even exists), Gatchaman could have been something magnificent, but instead what you get is pretty much exactly what's described on the box, except with real actors and sometimes sub-par special effects. If you have complaints about this, then perhaps you should just think about the number of live action adaptations film-makers outside of Japan have been responsible for that have ruined your childhood for you. I could make a list. It would start with the Thunderbirds, and it wouldn't end there.
Jason Cheung
Although it doesn't look like the original Gatchaman (Battle of the Planets) Cartoon, it gave the 70s' classic animation all new life and made it amazing and recreational! In the beginning, when Dr. Nambu introducing Gatchman to others in the meeting, my blood was burning and I was really touched!!!When I saw Gatchman flying like superman and jumping like Spider-man, I felt very excited! Yes! they are Gatchaman indeed! My dreaming hero is back to reality now!!!I have to say "Classic can't be copied, Only innovation can recreate classic!", and this movie recreated classic successfully!I love this movie much, and can't wait to watch its sequel.
I saw the international premiere at Montreal's Fantasia festival at the start of August. I only had vague memories of watching some of the anime this is based on, better known to North-American audiences as Battle of the Planets starring G-Force, a 5-person superhero team with a bird theme. I was curious as to how a live-action film would translate. Storywise, we have a mysterious invading force who mostly look like helmeted military/cops from a number of sci-fi/modern video games (think Half-Life 2) sporting almost-invincible forcefields with a few ludicrously-clad leaders. They have taken over half the world. The only ones who can effectively fight them are young people powered by a magical ancient stone (our 5 heroes but others too in the past). Soon enough, an operation with the ominous name of Last Suicide comes to be known and its true nature must be revealed.The movie started off with an amazing outdoors battle in a big metropolis (Tokyo, I think) involving a giant mechanical wheel and the introduction of our main characters. Although obviously looking computer-generated in parts, it was very cool and exciting, bringing to mind the best American superhero blockbusters. The heroes moved with astounding agility and speed yet remained trackable and fun to watch. This impressed me. The costumes weren't faithful to the cartoon, but I thought they looked mighty fine for the modern age, especially the helmets. In that regard, the costumes of the main villains didn't fare as well looking somewhat ridiculous, especially the helmet of the main antagonist. But perhaps it was that way in the anime, so let's not be too severe. Unfortunately, that outstanding first battle was the highlight of the film.In the middle part of the film came a lot of exposition and story background mostly showing our heroes in civilian attire. It wasn't uninteresting and I did like most of it. I was hoping for the return of costumed action though. There were some nice twists and even effective dramatic moments, but not all of them (some played out corny or too predictable). Of particular note, a confrontation between 2 of our heroes regarding the fate of a bad guy was quite intense with a surprising end. At that moment, I thought, Wow, this movie is turning out great, it's unexpectedly dark and mature. But I was wrong. One reveal involving a villain might have been predictable, but I didn't expect it to play out that way, so kudos there. Speaking of villains, disregarding the 2 totally-undeveloped costumed underlings, one of the main bad guys was appropriately sly and menacing (the one in civilian clothes), but I was disappointed with the other sporting the ridiculous blue helmet with the "fox" ears. There was something lacking in the performance that didn't help the drama. Some scenes that should have been heart-wrenching seemed a bit forced and fake. Some bad dialogue (was it the translation?) didn't help the drama, even provoking some inappropriate laughter in the audience. This jaded viewer did fear for the lives of our heroes a few times, so any movie that manages to do that deserves a few extra points in my book.However, things kinda fell apart for the finale at the enemy's base where we were stuck with fights in underlit cramped caves and rooms. Even the main room with the floating platforms was underwhelming. Not helping was the way the action was so quickly cut. It was disappointing and was a poor contrast to the spectacular city action. The final confrontation also felt underwhelming and seemed to drag on. Something really interesting involving the corruption of one of the heroes was going on but it kinda fizzled out. I did like how at one point of that whole sequence, it did feel like a suicide mission. Overall this seemed like a worthy effort to modernize anime icons and bring them to live-action, trying to approach the American superhero movies in terms of action and sophistication, but in the end it kinda felt short. If you have any interest in the subject matter though, it's worth watching, I think, unless you're a true purist. In which case, you would probably feel offended by the liberties taken.Rating: 5.5 out of 10 (average-good)