Galactic Gigolo

1987 "An extra terrestrial sexual comedy."
Galactic Gigolo
3.4| 1h20m| en| More Info
Released: 01 October 1987 Released
Producted By: Empire Pictures
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Eoj is an alien who won a game show and the grand prize is a trip to earth to have sex with as many earth women as he can. Hildy is a reporter who is writing a biography on Eoj's adventures.

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Empire Pictures

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O2D I can't believe this was made by the same guy who made Cemetery High. This movie is just hard to watch. I hated everyone and had a lot of trouble paying attention. The only interesting thing is that the set from the big shoot out in CH is in here.
Wizard-8 The people who made this movie previously made the cult movie "Psychos In Love", a movie that I found funny enough to justify buying it on DVD. So my expectations were pretty high when I put "Galactic Gigolo" in my DVD player. This effort does have a somewhat higher budget that "Psychos In Love" (there are a LOT more actors for one thing), and occasionally there is a sight gag, a one-liner, or some other attempt at humor that makes you smile. But otherwise, this movie is a complete failure. The movie feels like it was being made up as it goes along, with no proper story and character motivations that are murky. (The character of "Eoj", who should be the central figure, is actually kind of an afterthought frequently.) But the main reason why the movie fails is that it is extremely unfunny, using tired stereotypes, unimaginative gags, and feeling that people running around and screaming is hilarious. Skip this movie and rewatch "Psychos In Love" instead.
garyb04 I wasn't expecting much when I got this from Netlfix,especially after reading a review of it on bad don't know if the filmmakers were trying for a Troma-type movie or what,but they succeeded in making a silly/stupid one.I got tired of the "Cut the frabber-jabber" and the hillbillies over-overacting every chance they could after the first 20 minutes.I know they were going for laughs and they did succeed in a few scenes,but after a while,it was annoying.Very annoying.And the guy playing Waldo was annoying.Even Eddie Deezen was never that annoying! The girls looked good,of course,but,is that all?? For some,maybe.I guess it's good to check it out once,if you want to spend 80 minutes of your life,but,also,I guess that's not a bad thing either.There are worse things to spend it on,right?? Right??? So,sit back,have a few beers and enjoy! Make fun of it,if you like.God knows there's plenty of stuff to make fun of.There are no big stars in it.No special effects.Bad jokes.Low budget.The alien comes from a planet of vegetables???? Huh??? Check it out..Maybe you won't hate yourself in the morning...
barnthebarn Same story really...Titan productions (Charles Band label) release awful Gorman Bechard movie that has extremely low production values, largely terrible acting, horrid script and is generally terrible.Toni Whyte as Kelly is rather delightful in (two) small roles but she never did anything else. To be honest she is the only decent thing about this crass, ludicrous excuse of a movie. Bechard is a talentless hack who was presumably only lucky enough to have films released by Full Moon because they are greedy. Having said that I'd be surprised if his three films released by them actually made much return. Best aspect of this film? The classy artwork on the DVD sleeve.