Freezer Burn: The Invasion of Laxdale

2008 "A Blackened Comedy"
4.3| 1h30m| R| en| More Info
Released: 01 January 2008 Released
Producted By: Equinoxe Films
Country: Canada
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Disguised as executives from a Dutch Oil Company, Aliens from outer space buy a local farming company and promise to create jobs for the failing farming town. Their goal is to use crop circles to heat up the temperature of the earth and eventually turn the entire planet into a Club-Med for extra-terrestrials.

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Scott_Mercer Against my better judgement, I watched this movie with Tom Green. I can stomach his brand of comedy only in small doses, but I think he is generally a decent dude. I do feel that Freddy Got Fingered is one of the worst films ever made.Here Green is an actor only, not a writer or director, and he deliberately underplays his role. Exactly the right move. Maybe I should credit the director for using Tom in the best way he could have possibly been used. The film is very light on Green's usual shenanigans. Nobody has intimate relations with a dead moose. Nobody's bum is on a rail.Sure, the whole tone is tongue-in-cheek. Sure, we've seen plenty of alien invasion movies before. We've even seen plenty of comedy alien invasion movies before. We've also seen before the comedy about a dying small town filled with plenty of "local color," and it seen it many times. But somehow, FREEZER BURN transcends all those potential hazards.The dialog is pretty damn clever, the characters are well-drawn, and the script's ducks are in a row as far as plot development. I enjoyed it way more than I thought I was going to. This is definitely one of those magic movie-making experiences where the whole adds up to way way more than the sum of its parts.And I sure was not aware of the deadly properties of a hockey puck, er, I mean, an Eskimo Pie.If you don't like goofy comedies then I would stay away, but otherwise, this is an offbeat flick that you might find to be a pleasant way to spend 90 minutes.Best movie I've seen this week filmed in Alberta.
Nick I hate to be one that gives a low vote, but this time i have to. I seriously LOVE Tom Green. I've seen pretty much everything he have done. He is the best comedian ever. That's why i gave this movie a chance. Well, this was a waste of my time.. It's really bad. Tom is a good actor and all, but he doesn't deliver his crazyness in this movie. He isn't funny at all. No one in this movie is funny. This alien parody is made to seriously to be funny, but too dumb to be taken seriously. It's just awful.I would not recommend anyone to watch this movie. It's not the worst i've seen in my life, but it's really bad. That's why i give it 3/10. I hate myself a little for giving a movie with Tom Green that low rating, but i have no choice. You can watch it yourself to see what i mean. Or you can watch his great movie Freddy Got Fingered! Bob the Butler is also pretty funny, but not as great as Freddy Got Fingered.So that's all i can say. Stay away from this and watch some of his other movies instead!
Jackpollins I find Tom Green is very underrated. He shows great potential in his films and shows alike. Crispin Glover, I think, is a very good actor. That's why when I saw Freezer Burn: The Invasion Of Laxdale in my local video store, I was more than glad to rent it. My theory that this might be terrible was right. This is a horror comedy that's not creepy or funny at all. Tom Green is terrible as ex-hockey player Bill Swanson, who must save the small town of Laxdale from a group of aliens who want to make Laxdale their own little paradise. This pack of aliens is lead by Viergacht (Crispin Glover). Glover is terrible, just sitting there, vapidly dull, not even required to say a word. As for the movie itself, the movie is also vapidly dull. It just lies there on the floor waiting for a good scare or a good laugh, which never even comes close to happening. The movie is nowhere close to original, and is nothing that I haven't seen before. In fact, I've seen being done 100 times better before. This is a terrible movie both in and out, and I think you should do yourself a big favor and skip this one.
chicagopoetry There are about five or six pretty good laughs in Freezer Burn but otherwise this one drops flat in the hee haw department. Other than some awkwardly used f-words this is as tame as a PG movie made for kids. The special effects are Ghostbusterish, with aliens popping slime and getting stabbed by Popsicles. It's not that hard to make a funny movie about a has-been sports idol, just think Kingpin or Bad News Bears, so Freezer Burn starts out with some potential: a former hockey big shot turned drunk uncovers a plot by some outer space dudes to turn the world into their personal Club Med. How can you go wrong with a plot as outrageous as that? But the pacing of Slap Shot doesn't exist, and the Canadian jokes wear thin after about twenty minutes, and Crispin Glover is just horrible, and I mean horrible. They must have shot all his scenes in a rush in a single day because he wasn't even required to speak most of the time. Too much time is spent actually trying to tell a story of a developing relationship, when it would have been wiser to concentrate on the wacky townsfolk. In fact, the movies would have been funnier if the two pot smoking streakers were the heroes instead of the hockey player, who seemed to go through the depressed motions of it all. And his dog dies. Not cool.