Feng Huang
I started watching this movie without checking out any reviews and i think that was mistake number 1 because it's quite boring really. I thought I was the only one who felt some type of way about this film. I kept thinking, why can't this Elder Gaye just remove his name tag and tie, fold his shirt and probably not blend in but raise half the suspicion? That's how far into the film i've got. It's been two days... I cannot continue. I have tried, trust me. The potential that the story of Freetown has is huge. There is definitely a story here but, it's not told well. The producers could have found better actors, better script writers, better everything really. It is, as other reviewers have said, a total waste of time.
I started watching this film with a bottle of wine and some pizza. I wasn't expecting a chick flick but I was expecting something entertaining. By the time I'd finished the pizza I had forgotten the film was playing so I tried again but this time the dog distracted me. It was an impossible film to concentrate on as the characters were shallow and the plot was almost non-existent, or maybe it was so slow its progress could be measured in glacier time. Other than the mud I can't remember much other that some God bothering. It really is a terrible and boring film. Do yourself a favour and stick pins in your eyes instead.
A really dreary, boring and uninspiring film. The only surprise I got was the positive reviews before watching this film. I thought that maybe this was a mistake until I saw the location of the reviewers. All from Salt Lake City or Utah. So total bias. This film is about Mormons and it gets 10 stars from Mormon reviewers? I thought lying or bending the truth was a sin guys? The film is poorly acted and badly shot. Reminds me of a really, really bad B movie and deserves to go straight to DVD and then the bin. Unless you're a Mormon you won't really like this, and even if you are, it's probably because the Church of Latter Day Saints told you, you had to watch it and then post positive reviews on IMDb. Everyone else, please avoid.
FREETOWN is not only a powerful and exciting true story of faith but it is also an exceptionally well made independent film. It is a film that is even better upon a second viewing as you come to know the individual people in the story better. Without well known actors it is difficult to keep the seven missionaries strait as they are trying to escape the rebel fighting to the safety of Freetown on the first viewing. The second time through they come alive. A helpful hint for viewers of this film on either Blu-ray or DVD would be to activate the sub-titles. While spoken in English the accents can be hard to follow at times and the sub-titles help greatly. The cast is outstanding down to the smallest part and the cinematography in Africa is often stunning. Incredible use of high shots done with a drone make the film look far richer than its small budget would normally provide for. Many of these are stunning and all had a dramatic life to the film. This is an independent film that looks every bit as good as anything a Hollywood studio would turn out. The direction, scripting, music and performances all work together to provide a experience that is uplifting and unforgettable. Garrett Batty, the director of "The Saratov Approach", is a talent to watch. Highly recommended.