Benedito Dias Rodrigues
This picture surfing on the waves of post apocalypse era which have a bunch of them in previous decade,but in this future has a rupture of the society between rich and homeless due the economic crisis,first all Estevez is totally miscating for the role maybe more appropriate for Tom Cruise or mature actor,the future is presented by new kind of cars,ludicrous idea indeed,the best things are Jagger and the sexy Rene Russo in glorious days,a enjoyable flick very underrated by IMDB's users,certainly a second look could be necessary!!Resume:First watch: 1994 / How many: 2 / Source: TV-DVD / Rating: 7
Auto racer Alex Furlong (Emilio Estevez) has a horrible crash in front of his girlfriend Julie Redlund (Rene Russo). He is kidnapped by Victor Vacendak (Mick Jagger) at the moment of impact and transported into the future known as a Freejack. The US is a dystopian crime-ridden world with McCandless Corp as the biggest and most powerful company. The head of the corporation Ian McCandless (Anthony Hopkins) had died and transferred his mind into a vast computer called the Spiritual Switchboard. Julie Redlund is now a high-power executive in McCandless. When criminals attack Victor's convoy, Alex manages to escape. Victor must hunt down Alex for Ian McCandless who has 36 more hours to transfer his mind into a body.This is one of those cheesy 90s sci-fi movies. Lots of money and effort had been spent on making the cars look futuristic. It mostly leaves them looking cheesy. The whole thing is a bit of cheese fest. Mick Jagger is interesting as a villain but he never stops being Mick Jagger. There is plenty of action and some car chases. It all adds up to something that isn't quite up to par but has some memorable cheese.
Freejack is one of the BEST SciFi movies of this decade. The others are as follows... Dark City-1998, The Matrix-1999, Twelve Monkeys-1995, The Fifth Element-1997, eXistenZ-1999. There are others I like however, Men In Black is not really a SciFi movie (on and on). But for any list not to include Freejack is dreadfully mistaken!!Everyone in this movie does a nice job INCLUDING Mick Jagger!! The story is the mainstay and gridiron of this movie. It doesn't need special effects (or dumb CARTOON -computer generated people like avatar). The story is a wonderful depiction of how rich people in the future will buy immortality. I highly recommend this move for anyone but especially for SciFi aficionados!!!
Usually these types of time travel stories wind up giving me a headache, but this one was pretty straightforward (no pun intended). The protagonist, Alex Furlong (Emilio Estevez) is transported into the future..., and stays there. No attempt to get back to his former 'present time'; no fooling around with time lines that might affect the history of mankind. What made the picture interesting watching it today was that Alex was 'sent' eighteen years into the future from 1991 to - 2009! That was sort of cool - but in the movie's 2009, the country was already in the tenth year of a major depression instead of the first, like many today would have us believe. And it brought a chuckle to imagine if the ten million dollar bounty on Freejack Alex might have been offered by a company using bailout funds. Just thinking outside the movie box.I got a kick out of that scene in the bar when Alex is threatened by the marmaduke looking moron with his weapon, and Alex puts his on the counter with that sly Billy the Kid grin he used in "Young Guns".The attraction back in the day of course was Mick Jagger headlining a theatrical release. His performance wasn't all that bad, even if over the top a few times, which the director might have actually called for. I liked that 'One Mississippi' bit, and the idea that he had a sense of fair play in balancing his job with consideration for Furlong's catching him a break in the alley.The best concept though was the 'spiritual switchboard' - don't you think we could all use one of those?