Forever Young

1992 "Time waits for no man, but true love waits forever."
6.3| 1h42m| PG| en| More Info
Released: 16 December 1992 Released
Producted By: Icon Productions
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A 1939 test pilot asks his best friend to use him as a guinea pig for a cryogenics experiment. Daniel McCormick wants to be frozen for a year so that he doesn't have to watch his love lying in a coma. The next thing Daniel knows is that he's been awoken in 1992.

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david-sarkies I guess I would call this a feel good movie for kids. I say that it is a kids type movie because the major characters are kids. Because of this it seems that the movie is targeted at a younger audience. The plot actually seems to follow the same idea as ET with the kid not only being the hero, but the saviour. In a way, this is the fantasy of all kids, to be a hero and do something that is far more than their ordinary life. This is what is true for most people who watch movies, but children are far more imaginative and willing to accept the impossible.The year is 1939 and an airforce test pilot loses his girlfriend in a car accident. The tragedy is that he wanted to propose to her, but he never got around to it. His girlfriend is in a coma, and as he cannot wait for her to awaken, he agrees to test out a cryo-freeze chamber. The deal is that he freezes and is woken up when she wakes up. In 1992 two kids find the chamber and accidentally open it. The pilot wakes up and finds that the world that he once knew is no longer there.As such the movie falls into a typical ET plot. The pilot goes to the kid and asks for his help. The US army learn the truth and want to find him, and he simply wants to find his old friends, hoping that they are still alive. Well, that plot point is very different to ET, but it still has the same essentials.The basic theme of this movie is Carpe Diem: seize the day. This is what the pilot failed to do. He did not seize the day and he missed out. Then he was not patient. The only person he ever cared about is gone and he could not afford to live in the world anymore. Even though I may sound quite blunt, but this is the way the world is. We might say Carpe Diem, but it is not always going to turn out for the best. It does in the movie: both heroes end up getting their girls, but it is not always the case in real life. Patience is a virtue, which is the beginning of a very well know saying (and the end is rarely in a woman and never in a man).The truth is that this world is full of pain and suffering. We make mistakes and we must live with them. This is what life is all about - actually it is much more than that, but the thing is that life may seem bad, but the new day always will bring new things. There have been times in my life where my mistakes have left me alone and very sad. There have been times when I have wanted to kill myself, but the truth is that I am glad I did not. Sometimes we want to escape the consequences of our actions, but if we face them, they will not always be as bad as we expect them to be.This may sound like idealistic garbage spewing from the mouth of a Christian, but the truth is that the world is in a mess, and that is because we think that we can rule ourselves. This is just not true. We are hopeless and we rely upon drugs of all sort (whether they be heroin, or simply money, power, popularity). That those drugs of dependence away from us, we are nothing. The pilot's drug of dependence was his girl friend, and when she was gone, he had nothing left. The truth is, nobody can take God away, and that is why I clasp onto him, because he is a drug of dependence, but one that I don't have to by, nor will leave me lost and alone.
TheLittleSongbird First things first, I do not think this is Mel Gibson's best film, but it isn't his worst either. This is a minor film with a simplistic plot but charming performances. The pace is rather pedestrian, and Steve Miner's direction is a little too uptight. But Mel Gibson despite playing a tired sort of character, does well at acting bemused, and Jamie Lee Curtis provides charming support. Elijah Wood is also convincing as Nat, and the two lead's reunion is very touching and poignant and it avoids trying to be funny. Nice music and sumptuous filming also help.Overall, a minor entry in the Mel Gibson canon, but a nice, simple and touching film. 8/10 Bethany Cox
James Hitchcock "Forever Young" opens in the year 1939. Daniel McCormick, a test pilot with the US Army Air Force, sees his girlfriend Helen seriously injured in a road accident which leaves her in a coma. Helen is not expected to recover, and the grief-stricken Daniel volunteers to take part in a secret cryonic freezing experiment being carried out by his close friend, Harry Finley. Daniel hopes that he can be put in suspended animation for a year, so that he doesn't have to watch Helen die. Unfortunately, Harry dies shortly afterwards, and in the chaos following the outbreak of World War II the experiment is forgotten. Daniel remains asleep in his chamber, abandoned in a military warehouse for the next fifty-three years.Finally, Daniel is awoken from his long sleep by two young boys who stumble on the chamber while playing inside the warehouse. Upon waking, he is horrified to discover that it is not, as he had thought, 1940, but 1992. Harry, and nearly everyone else he once knew, are long dead. The Army have never heard of him, and when he tries to convince them of the truth of his experiences, they dismiss him as a lunatic. Eventually he befriends Nat, one of the two boys who opened the chamber, and his divorced mother Claire.There are, of course, a number of plot holes in the film. It seems highly unlikely that only Finley would have known about so major a scientific experiment and that after his death everyone else would simply have forgotten about it. It seems equally unlikely that after being forgotten and abandoned the chamber would have continued to function so perfectly that Daniel could have survived inside for over fifty years. Yet these plot holes do not really matter precisely because the film is not intended to be scientifically plausible. Any film which attributes to the scientists of the 1930s the ability to perform technological feats which would still be beyond our capabilities today is obviously not aiming at realism.The film could have been made as a satire revolving around the differences between the world of the thirties and that of the nineties, with lots of comic misunderstandings based upon the cultural differences between the two eras. It could also have been made as a serious piece of science-fiction, but in fact it is more a fantasy. (There are some similarities with "Somewhere in Time", although in that film the hero travels back in time, not forward). There are certain parallels drawn between the world of the thirties and that of the nineties, generally to the detriment of the latter. Claire is attracted to Daniel because his old-fashioned values make him seem much more gentlemanly and chivalrous than the men of her own era. Mel Gibson is good at bringing out this side of Daniel's character.Just when the film seems to be developing into a romantic comedy which will end with Daniel and Claire falling for one another, and then changes direction with the sudden revelation that Helen did not die in 1939 but is still alive. This sudden shift of emphasis struck me as being the film's greatest weakness; the romantic ending is well done, but is seemed like something added on from a different film. I would not rate "Forever Young" as highly as "Somewhere in Time"; it lacks that film's visual beauty and, except at the very end, its dreamlike romantic atmosphere. Also, Jamie Lee Curtis is not as engaging a heroine as Jane Seymour. Gibson, however, makes a charismatic hero, and overall the film is a watchable romantic fantasy. 6/10
don_corleone1385 I saw it a few days ago and enjoyed it. it's not a masterpiece, i mean the main idea was a little unoriginal and the ending was predictable, but it was a funny and enjoyable movie to watch, especially the chemistry betwean mel Gibson and jamie lee curtis(two great actors) and also elijah wood which was pretty great. mel Gibson did a fine is not his best work but he was good,the most important thing he did was not letting the character be a boring one.elijah wood was also funny and i was kinda surprised to see him in this movie.afterall this movie cannot be considered as a masterpiece or an influential film,but the very important point is that it's not trying to.this film is supposed to be amusing and entertaining and to be "light" for it's audience,and imo it's very successful in it's own way. i give it a 7 out of 10.