
2008 "Never leave your partner behind."
6.5| 1h58m| PG| en| More Info
Released: 26 September 2008 Released
Producted By: Carmel Entertainment
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A heroic fire captain values dedication and service to others above all else, but the most important partnership in his life, his marriage, is about to go up in smoke.

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lorenzotomassi A very good message for everybody. I love this movie and all of Alex. Thank you for your job. God bless you!
kim-284 One vote is far too much for this idealistic piece of sugar laden propaganda. It acts like all you have to do is commit to and follow Jesus, and everything will work out just hunky dory. Lies!I used to be a Christian, and walked away from the church because I got sick of being walked all over because "that's what the bible says to do". I hate the guilt trip that Caleb's father levels on him when he asks him why he is so frustrated with Catherine. Caleb has ever right to be upset with Catherine, yet Caleb's father turns the accusatory finger on him. Those two should have gotten a divorce, then Catherine could have wound up with that lowlife cheating doctor, and Caleb could have bought his dream boat instead of sacrificing it for his invalid mother-in-law.This is a movie on why not to be a Christian, and avoid getting bamboozled by some ridiculous guilt trip.
S B Rebuilding a marriage that seems lost is no easy task. In many cases many consider it impossible but this movie offers one way of dealing with the process. Although a little unrealistic, it is within the realm of possibility. It's my opinion that there are too many of these kinds of movies that have a 'happy' ending where things turn out like they're supposed to. In real life, that isn't always the case.Wanted to give it a 10 because it has such good messages but it wasn't very well done. Would like to see a story that would help families that deal with the same subject but where it doesn't turn out well in the end. The website says that about 50% of people married will suffer a divorce. I know there are a lot of people that could use help rebuilding they're lives after a divorce. Right now I could use a good movie that would help a little boy that lost his mom, leaving him an orphan.
Wuchak Released in 2008, "Fireproof" is an inspirational drama about a couple from Georgia whose marriage is on the rocks. The husband, Caleb (Kirk Cameron), is a fireman with a hot temper and an addiction to internet porn whereas the wife, Catherine (Erin Bethea), is stressed due to her mother's medical issues and falling under the spell of a morally dubious doctor at work (Perry Revell). With divorce looming, Caleb's dad (Harris Malcom) encourages Caleb to hold off on divorce proceedings for 40 days with a "love dare" procedure.This is a compelling drama and genuinely inspirational to boot; it entertains while also inspiring without getting too preachy or heavy-handed, although some might argue that the ending's too sappy. Unless you're a devout atheist, you should enjoy "Fireproof" if you favor spiritual dramas akin to 1991's "Grand Canyon." But I encourage atheists to check it out too since it provides some food for thought. It's similar in tone and theme to 2010's "Cutback" and 2015's "War Room, although it has a bigger budget than the former and less than the latter. It only cost half a million to make (whereas "War Room" cost $3 million) and this explains some of the dubious acting of peripheral cast members, like the doctor, which is one of only a couple reasons I rate the film as I do. Nevertheless, this is a potent drama and even potentially life-changing. The situations are thoroughly realistic and I could relate to them all, whether through my own experiences or those of people I know. "Fireproof" had a very positive impact on me, like the two aforementioned movies.The film runs 118 minutes and was shot in Albany, Georgia.GRADE: Borderline B+ or A- (7.5/10 Stars)