
1996 "Beyond Human Desire..."
4.6| 1h29m| R| en| More Info
Released: 03 September 1996 Released
Producted By: Surrender Cinema
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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In the pursuit of perfection, an alien civilization has evolved to become beings of pure light energy, unbound by the limitations of the mortal body. But they have lost something precious along the way: the ability to experience physical pleasure. They send a representative to Earth to record human sensory experiences. Taking the form of the perfect human female, "Kara" uses her powers to unlock the secrets of sensuality so long forgotten on her world.

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scorpioprimus The plot details have been covered well enough, but really it's just a threadbare premise to have as many sex scenes as possible. Fair enough, as this is definitely a movie of the erotic genre. At least it thinks it is. My opinion of the movie can best be summed up by the fact that I kept falling asleep while watching it. The female alien does have a very nice surgically-enhanced body, but half of her reaction scenes put me more in mind of someone trying to pass a kidney stone than being aroused by the display in front of her.The acting wins zero points, except for Jacqueline Lovell who brings a credible amount of range & believability to her role. And yes, the final scene DOES get extremely high marks. She's the only reason I don't give this movie a one or even zero stars.
redrum911 So many reviews, please read the synopsis or others for the "plot" details. Here's what's important - this flick is pretty much wall to wall skin, some decent pink (no spreads that I remember), and erotic fun.There is a bit of filler to fast forward thru (silly subplot about saving a diner, blah blah). A sexy alien experiencing human lust is enough for plot - I guess these folks can't help themselves.But Femalien has turned me into a real fan of Jacqueline Lovell, the pretty blonde who is actually a good performer who delivers her lines believably, and particularly Venesa Taylor. Venesa will blow you away here - pretty girl-next-door face, dreamy eyes, long legs and amazing double Ds that will have you short of breath. She's so hot, it may take you a couple viewings to make it thru the movie (get my drift). The scenes w/ other performers, including some mid-90s porn stars, are all adequate, but the scenes w/ Jacqueline and/or Venesa are stellar.All & all very good for this type of movie, though I would have liked more pink.
mattymatt4ever I'm surprised how scientific people are getting with the comments. When you watch beautiful women like Vanesa Talor (Oh maaannnnnn!!!!) totally naked in both steamy guy-girl scenes and steamy girl-girl scenes (The climax: Terrific!!!) how much more are you asking for? I think people were commenting on the cheesy dialogue and miniscule production values. How high are your standards when it comes to softcore porn? As long as the movie is done in a tasteful manner (I can't stand hardcore porn!), like this one, there really isn't much to complain about. Plus, Surrender Cinema almost always has the BEST-looking vixens around. I wouldn't be surprised if Hugh Hefner auditions some of the ladies. Vanesa couldn't be a better choice. She has a smoking body!Aside from the girl-girl climax with Vanesa and Jacqueline Lovell, the highlight would have to be the "special" lingere fashion show. Let's just say the women don't stay in the lingere very long. I'll leave it right there. And I love the theme song. I don't know why, it just sets a great erotic tone. For fans of skin flicks...this is among the elite. My score: 9 (out of 10)
rlcsljo Apparently the lead female in this one got it in her contract that she only do a couple of "commercials" (soft core sex) scenes and did not have to do any acting of any consequence. So she "observes" humans having sex until it comes her turn for the big "finale". Needless to say she does virtually nothing to indicate any kind of anticipation leading up to her eventual participation (I almost thought she was not going to do anything at all!). This was the only surprise of the movie.If your local drug store is out of your local sleeping aid, play this turkey and you will get to snooze-ville fast!