
6.4| 0h30m| en| More Info
Released: 30 November 2004 Released
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Country: United Kingdom
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Jason Shepherd awakens in hospital in an amnesiac state. Discovering that he is a police detective he tries to solve the mystery of how he came to lose his memory and uncovers some shocking truths.

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Lizi_J_17 I thoroughly enjoyed Fallen, it was very thrilling, Jonathan Cake and Simone Lahbib had great chemistry. Im a big Simone Lahbib fan and i only really watched it because she was in it, but it was brilliant. The plot was very original and the way 'Jason' discovered things about himself really intrigued me. There was a couple of times when i kind of guessed 1 or 2 things before they were revealed, but that didn't spoil it. All the actors played their parts well, to me it was very well cast. If it did happen to come out on DVD, i would definitely buy it. I recommend it to anyone, you wouldn't be disappointed at all. I give it 10/10.
bacchae2 who says this smacks of creeping americanism in brit TV (and we Americans love brit TV because of its britishness, we don't want to see slick American 'product'when we watch it) but I think, much more than copying any American template here, it's a copy of a copy...it's trying to be MI-5 aka "Spooks" with its flash cutting, 'black-box' multi-screen technique, and self-consciously arty camera-work. And it ain't no "Spooks." Worth watching, for me, for the lovely Simone Lahbib (can't wait for the new season of 'Wire in the Blood') who is interestingly cast here in what seems, for most of the piece, like a totally thankless role. I figured out the denouement early on based on non-scripted deduction and intuition, *G* but got absolutely none of the usual clues from a story peppered with rather obvious red herrings. And I would defend the unemotional way this wonderfully emotional actress played (and was cast deliberately I'd guess) against 'type.' It was the only thing the 'mystery' (which seems to have been a pilot for the lead actor?) had going for it.
amarshal-3 I had just finished watching "Mystery" on PBS when "Fallen" came on. It was a nice bit of diversion--like a cross between the American series "24," and the Bourne identity. 24 has really gone down hill since the first two seasons, but it had a nice tension at first.Fallen is fast paced and violent, and the characters are not terribly complex, but the energy is good, and I got caught up in the plot line even though I was tired when I started watching it. Jason Shepherd works as the lead in Fallen because he is physically imposing and somewhat mercurial. There were a lot of Spy TV stereotypes, but on the whole, I found it entertaining.