Elle: A Modern Cinderella Tale

2010 "Happily ever after is just a song away..."
4| 1h30m| G| en| More Info
Released: 26 April 2010 Released
Producted By: Frame Of Mind Entertainment
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Elle wants to be a singer/songwriter, but her dreams are cut short by the sudden death of her parents. She moves in with her adoptive uncle, who runs a small independent record label whose biggest act, Sensation, is also Elle's biggest pain.

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laurenlinger The intro was a dead giveaway. The blonde girl playing an acoustic guitar with a bunch of butterflies, styled like the aesthetic of her earlier work. I'm guessing they couldn't get the real Taylor Swift, so they got a knockoff instead. This movie is just poorly written and made.
BasiliskSt I'll confess I like sweet movies. I'm not automatically alienated by predictability or lack of originality.Elle: A Modern Cinderella Tale is not an ambitious movie. The bad guys are painted broadly as self-absorbed celebrities. The good guys are sweet and deserving. Acting is uneven but some of it is clearly intentionally bad and meant as humor or parody. I can see how it would be annoying for many. It didn't bother me. I wasn't looking for Paul Newman in The Verdict or Daniel Day Lewis as Hawkeye. This is light Disney-esq or ABC Family style fare. I've seen far worse movies.For me, Ashley Hewitt's singing redeemed all. When Ashley's character Elle was singing she carried the story and lit up the stage or screen. The songs were both catchy and well-delivered. I found myself rewinding to the songs and replaying them. The movie ends on a musical performance high note, emphasizing that the Cinderella plot device and character development are not the focus of the movie. The music is the raison d'etre and Ashley Hewitt's voice and pretty face are enough to frame the music. It left me feeling the beat, lyrics repeating in my head, and with a smile. Not so bad. Yes, it is not the best example of film making nor a model for method acting. The producer's ambitions were low and many elements are cartoonish, but a few catchy songs sung by a pretty girl won me over. Unlike many technically better movies I'd watch it again.
maire37 in short i wasted over an hour of my life, the actors had no knowledge or portrayal of emotion i really advise you DO NOT watch this film, its your average cliché overused storyline with bad actors and annoying accents and this 'singer' repeats the same song like fifty times and i started to get on my nerves, everything about this movie is fake and cheap. They are so dull and its so boring, the sort of thing that would air on TV at about three O'Clock in the evening at the same time as about 20 other cheapo fail films. The directors must be crazy or were high at the time cus seriously?! just no -_- never a good idea if ur basically reusing content
ChrisyLikesToEatMangoes I watched this movie because I happened to be a fan of Sterling Knight, and I really enjoy Cinderella re-makes. Even though we know what's going to happen in most of the Cinderella based plots... this movie was just awful. 'Cinderella' was a horrible and awkward character, and she just couldn't act. I didn't find any of the scenes funny, and the antagonists/'Step-sisters' were terrible actress'; they weren't funny, they were't mean, and they also happened to be out of sync when they did that annoying clicking thing with their fingers. Honestly, I had my hopes quite high for this, because it's supposed to be 'modern' and its come out lately. But it was just horrible; the graphics were terrible in the music videos and even WORSE on the DVD cover. It seems like they got someone from the 80's to do the cover-art; it's VERY unattractive to the eye. I wasn't even going to watch it, until I thought that 'maybe it would be a better movie'; Oh boy, was I wrong.When she was auditioning for that college, and they were showing how she took the news of her parents dying; she just stumbled forward... it wasn't even believable.TERRIBLE movie. I suggest you don't watch it. I wasted an hour and a half of my life. Please don't waste yours.