Dua Surga Dalam Cintaku

2024 "Rangkailah Kembali Kepingan Jiwamu Yang Telah Patah."
1.5| 1h51m| en| More Info
Released: 21 March 2024 Released
Producted By: Cakrawala Pictures
Country: Indonesia
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Arham has a little friend named Husna in his hometown in Bogor. Even though they secretly love each other, their relationship is revealed, and their love story continues down the aisle. However, Husna had an acute illness, namely brain cancer, and was given a life sentence that would not last long. Arham, with firm determination, promised to accompany Husna until the end of her life. Even though Husna and his family encouraged Arham to continue his education, Arham reluctantly decided to move on and separate from his beloved wife in order to complete his studies. On the other hand, Zilka, a young woman who has fallen into a dark world, tries to migrate to the right path. He needs someone who can be a guide in his new life. Meeting Arham gave Zilka hope, because Arham was considered a figure who could hopefully guide her to a better life.

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Cakrawala Pictures


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