Dreams for Sale

Dreams for Sale
6.7| 2h17m| en| More Info
Released: 08 September 2012 Released
Producted By: Asmik Ace Entertainment
Country: Japan
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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After losing their restaurant in a fire, a husband and wife come up with a strange plan to rebuild their shattered finances: marrying the husband off to a series of lonely women and defrauding them.

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Asmik Ace Entertainment

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Hombredelfuturo The edition is unnecessary long; then the effort to conclude all the parts in 10 minutes is so rapid... Main actor is not good, also, he does not fit in the roll. However, Takako Matsu plays her part very well; the changes in her expressions contribute a lot to the character. The script have potential but is too naive and simple. In real life is not possible, even less in Japan, for an ordinary man, to find all those opportunities with women. I mean; not only dating ones but to propose marriage or live the life together. -More than one time in this movie, and like in real life, there s the mention of beauty and how important is to develop a life; a life in the modern world.-there are all types of relationships in this world but in the end is very difficult to come out unhurt from the perverse emotions that relies in some minds. One point is that is better to not make any machination if there s love in a couple.