Down and Dirty Duck

1974 "Madder than Daffy, dumber than Donald, more existential than Howard!"
Down and Dirty Duck
5.3| 1h10m| NC-17| en| More Info
Released: 01 July 1974 Released
Producted By: Murakami-Wolf Productions
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Willard, a mild mannered insurance adjuster, teams up with a foul-mouthed fowl who takes Willard on a surreal quest to become less uptight - and possibly get laid in the process.

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Murakami-Wolf Productions

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madyeti I first saw this movie in high school when one of my friends rented it from an independent video store (VHS) in the late 80's. We all loved it, and I have always tried to spread the gospel of Dirty Duck since. It is the only movie that I ever owned both on VHS and now on DVD. The director of this movie, Charles Swenson, also made a little-seen kids movie called Twice Upon a Time, which is also recommended viewing for fans of subversive animated movies. That film has no gratuitous nudity or profanity, but has a very similar animation style (hand-drawn/cut animated scenes over collages). I watch it a few times a year now and always recommend it to friends. The songs are fantastic, I would love to see a soundtrack at some point. Unique animation style, wildly offensive dialog, and a rambling story make for a very entertaining 75 minutes!! It also pays to pay very close attention to the screen, because there are several throw-away gags that appear for only a few seconds scattered throughout.
Not R I wish I could find a copy! This is an outstanding piece of sexual satire and general weirdness by Flo & Eddie, with a surreal sex scene that's an obvious and direct precursor to the one in The Wall. I managed to save an audio tape of only part of the song with our favorite lines: "Dogs, horses, or a guy, Give someone DEAD a try!" and Willard's creation of his artificial girl.
LSD-3 i rented this movie at a small independent movie rental joint. we came across it as we were browsing the wall of flicks; not in an adult section, but down quite low where a child might have grabbed it. the summary on the box was short and vague, but sounded decent so we took it home. a few minutes into the movie we began to realize it was a subversive and obnoxious movie, the kind of which i wish there were more of, especially with talking animals for the cute yet rude factor. this movie took me by surprise and i immediately fell in love with it; it's trippy, the characters are great and the music is groovin. i have been searching for a good quality copy to own for years, so that i may spread the joy of watching this great flick to many others. if you like animation that gets raw, this is a must see. i give this movie the highest rating. in my opinion, this movie beats fritz the cat. check it out if yo
Quimper Flo & Eddie of The Turtles and Zappa fame perform the songs and voice the main characters of this pretty good animated film. It's short, coming in at barely over an hour, but it's effective in it's animation style (the animation over still photos and clip art) and funny for a number of reasons. Highly sexual, satirical and slapstick. Also highly offensive, especially when it comes to race; as evidenced by the subway pimp that the main character encounters.Set to a lamentably unavailable soundtrack, it's surreal animation sequences more than make up for any lulls or inferred rip-offs. This is a better film than 200 Motels, that's for sure. And who can fault a movie that opens with the song lyric "This whole movie is a giant piece of sh*t..."?