
7| 0h3m| en| More Info
Released: 01 January 1997 Released
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Country: United Kingdom
Budget: 0
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In his squalid apartment, a man tries to squash with his shoe an insect of some kind that is moving around the room.

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dsobski Christopher Nolan's short film informs the audience of his mindset towards films in Doodlebug. This short film has no particular special qualities to it besides the fun plot. It is a very quick watch and for the duration I couldn't expect much more from it. The thing that fascinates me about this short film is that it shows the motivation for movies like Inception and Memento. Even the Following delves a bit in this direction. The addition of a killer killing a bug paradox has extended similarities to story decisions in the Following as well. I recommend this short film to any Nolan fan. It is very short, and a very convenient watch during any time of the day.
Foreverisacastironmess Why does this have to be some great metaphor for something? I just see it as a great little flicker of darkness that takes you on a brief surreal journey that plays off of the senses. To me this short's like a dark joke with the end being the punchline. You see a rough-looking man, he's hopping around a dank room, swatting at something we can't see, which soon turns out to be himself, which is needless to say, odd. Than you see that the miniature man is attempting to squish some kind of micro version that is smaller still. You notice that all three(and very possibly more)are all making the same gestures, and that those gestures are happening closer and closer together, just as a startling realisation enters the mind-POP! Short's over. Mildly unsettling. Those were my exact reactions when I first watched this-although I did actually watch it years ago but completely forgot all about it.(not good) I mean, the man: you have no idea if he's mad, a junkie having a bad trip(he was all sweaty and ragged), or is it his nightmare that we're seeing? I believe it's a nightmare becomes of how everything seems to culminate and converge just as it ends. Because, many times in my own dreams and nightmares,(of which I am eternally grateful to whatever unknowable forces there may be) I've felt a very strong and lucid sensation of my own scattered self and consciousness rushing together just as I wake up. I read somewhere once that everybody you meet in your dreams is actually you. So why was the guy trying to kill himself? Maybe he was just trying to kill the little parts of his personality that he subconsciously couldn't stand, and some bigger, deeper subconscious part of himself from the dark depths of his mind had a desire to swallow-up and erase himself... It was a kaleidoscopic effect, all was one and one was all, and a kind of visual sleight-of-hand. You're so busy looking at the little thing on the floor that you're not looking at where the magician's hands are going. Not seeing the bigger picture. I thought this short was a pretty cool, mind -bending idea that was very well done. Of course, being only three mins long its quality is limited. I've seen far better shorts-but never one quite like this. Thank you.
Divij Sonak (KrazzyDJ) A word of advice. Watch this movie straightaway without reading anything about it. Most of the plot summaries you'll go through will mostly end up ruining the movie for you. Its incredibly short (about 3 minutes) so even if it ends up sucking for you, it wouldn't have in any way hurt to devote 3 minutes to what I find a great start for a by now famous and master craftsman Nolan. Heck even a visit to the loo takes more time so giving 3 minutes to this movie without any second thought shouldn't be hard enough. Let the bug surprise you.Doodlebug came to my attention when doing a bit of research (that isn't the right term but I'll stick to it anyway) on Christopher Nolan now that his final movie in the Batman trilogy is about to hit out. It appears he made two more shorts before this of which one named Larceny, I've heard a lotta praises about but sadly couldn't manage to get my hands on it anywhere. So I decided to started my Nolan filmography with this one. For the meager amount of money, this movie is quite a watch. Excellent camera-work, nice editing which keeps the movie flowing smoothly (and not much like Nolan's later non-linear works), good effects for a short (that's just me though) and a decent performance make this worth a watch. Now I don't exactly know what messages this movie wished to convey but I do know that those were some entertaining and insightful 3 minutes into what was to come in the future from this guy. Following's up next for sure.
MartinHafer The film begins with a guy chasing what you assume is a bug or perhaps a mouse in his apartment. However, when he catches it and you see what it is, it's an exact duplicate of him--only in miniature. When he smashes this creature, a chain of events follow and the movie ends.Every director needs to start somewhere. You don't start your career with a mega-hit but work up to it. Despite having some big name films to his credit, such as MEMENTO and BATMAN BEGINS, Christopher Nolan was still a nobody when he made this short film a little over a decade ago. In fact, it's his very first film and so I think it's important to evaluate it as an experimental film done by a student. In this context, it's a pretty good little film--though I agree with Bob the Moo that what will happen in the film is a bit obvious. The style is excellent and the film is only three minutes long--perfect for such a film.By the way, this film is part of the CINEMA 16: European Shorts DVD. On this DVD are 16 shorts. Most aren't great, though because it contains THE MAN WITHOUT A HEAD, COPY SHOP, RABBIT and WASP, it's an amazing DVD for lovers of short films and well worth buying.