This is an awful movie. 4.1 is not a good ratting. But this is such an awful movie that 4.1 is overrating it. This movie is not scary. It has an awful story line. It also has an awful ending. Do not see this movie it is pooh pooh. If you want see a good horror movie see Child's play. Do not see this pooh pooh. Do not wast your time. And do not wast your money. This is pooh pooh. It is so stinky it stinks. This not a 4.1 this is a 1. This a big pile of pooh pooh. If I want to get scared I will watch Child's play 2. But this not scary. You have been warned. Do not see the pooh pooh.
To be made in 2005 this seemed hauntigly similar to a 90s American pie to movie full of raunchy teenagers enjoying alcohol drugs and sex. The dolls reminded me of something that would have been in a nicklelodian movie and looked like it was made in someone's backyard. I compared it to the movie "teeth" when the young man's penis was jabbed by one of the dolls and a ridiculous amount of blood spilt everywhere. Might as well have been a 90s comedy with the bad puns and boyz to men soundtrack. The characters in this movie at often times made me feel uncomfortable with their over sexual behavior and stupidity I particularly hated the stupid jock. This movie was also over the top bloody for each situation. However it was entertainingBdon & lis
this is one of those low budget movies its really short it but good i loved it i bet a lot of people didn't this was different from what i thought it was gonna be the dolls in this movie is the 12 year old boy friends that kill whoever pick on him only two people die those are the two girls boyfriend's they have a party then the dolls get revenge when they see guy getting picked on by them but in one scene where they get out of the house on of the girls say she forgot her purse did you notice when she says Purus it was really a phone and it also takes a while for her to get the purse she grabs it slowly you should grad it fast and run but good movie.not rated but contains violence gore drug use and some language
I thought they stopped making movies like this in the 80's, but apparently not. Imagine the worst of the Chucky movies, and then imagine something even worse, then you're getting close to this one.The movie starts in 1911 with a girl playing with dolls, then she accidentally breaks a vase. Her evil and angry father comes down the stairs and yells at her. She is then forced to bury her beloved dolls, and then she accidentally falls down in the grave on the samurai doll's katana(sword) and she dies... Then we are brought to present time and the horror unravels! Sounds bad? Believe me, it is!The production gives me this "made for TV movie" feel, with cheesy music, bad direction, etc. The dolls aren't even close to being scary, more humorous than anything. Avoid this movie.