Today I had an opportunity to watch 'The Dog' in International Eskisehir Film Festival which is arranged eighteenth times. As far as I know it is the first feature-length movie of Esen Isik who previously produced some short movies that I have not been able to watch yet. The movie concerns about three different persons whose lives somehow have a rough ride; one of them is a ten years old boy who sells napkins on the streets of Istanbul. The second one is a transsexual who is in a forbidden love with a pharmacist guy and the last one is a married woman whose husband is extremely jealous and psychopath.The story of movie is well chosen since it touches upon the social problems of Turkish society especially in terms of woman rights, violence against children and homophobia and violence against transsexuals however there are some technical problems for example acting of the actors and actresses is problematic which brings about a reduction in the quality of the movie. That is maybe because the actors and actresses are not professional except Baris Atay and the budget of the movie was not sufficient to give place to professional actors and actresses. Moreover a pessimistic environment dominates the whole movie; most of the characters look sad even when there is no reason. In addition, there are some technical errors about camera view in some scenes for example during one of the most important scenes, the camera shows a main character from a blind view.As a short what I can say about this movie is that the topic of the movie is really impressive however acting of the characters is unskilled and there is a dominant pessimistic atmosphere along with bad camera views, hereby I suggest you to watch the movie if you would like to find out some clues about the general social structure of the Turkish society but do not expect a skilled acting from the actors and actresses and nice technical details. I think that Esen Isik who is the writer and the director of the movie is actually talented and she is going to produce impressive movies in the future.