Doctor Who: The Christmas Invasion

Doctor Who: The Christmas Invasion
8| 0h30m| en| More Info
Released: 25 December 2005 Released
Producted By: BBC
Country: United Kingdom
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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It's Christmas Eve, but this is to be a far from silent night - the cruel Sycorax have come to Earth to enslave mankind and, as ever, only The Doctor can stop them. Unfortunately, he's lying in a coma in Jackie's home...

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pjgs200 The Christmas Invasion is a fantastic episode of Doctor Who. It's funny, mysterious, the Sycorax make for great villains, and the ending is phenomenal. Harriet Jones was once again an awesome character; Penelope Wilton is a really great actress. The scene where all of the people are being controlled by the Sycorax and are about to jump was executed very well by the directors- it was really tense and a dark turn for the episode. The spinning Christmas trees and the brass players were also memorable. The Christmas Invasion was a 7/10 for the first 30 or so minutes. The last half of the episode was where it got really, really good. One of my favorite scenes of the episode was when David Tennant came out of the Tardis and challenged the Sycorax to a battle. I liked Christopher Eccleston as the Doctor (he was my introduction to Doctor Who), but Tennant just owns the role and relishes every moment on screen. From the moment he came out of the Tardis to the moment the episode ended I couldn't stop smiling. I love action and fight scenes in Doctor Who (which doesn't do much of them), so it was fantastic to see the Doctor duel with the Sycorax on top of the spaceship. I loved the ending, where the ship leaves and Harriet Jones, the Doctor, Mickey, Jackie and Rose all exchange hugs and boast about the defeat of the aliens. That scene was just so awesome; the characters are all so great, and the scene was a really feel-good ending to the episode. Harriet Jones calling in Torchwood to fire at the ship was a good scene; it was well acted and it develops her character by showing how willing she is to keep the world and Britain safe. Billie Piper and David Tennant have great chemistry as well, and the part when Harriet Jones calls the Tenth Doctor "My Doctor" was really nice.The Christmas Invasion is pretty much everything I like about Doctor Who in 60 minutes: it has awesome action and fight sequences, hilarious moments, well rounded, memorable and recurring characters, great visuals, a feel-good ending, AND it's a fantastic and really fun way to introduce the new Doctor, with the perfect mix of camp and dramatic sequences. The Christmas Invasion isn't a perfect 10/10, but it gets pretty close!
Paul Evans This instantly picks up where The Parting of the ways left us, Tennant is now the Doctor and suffering trauma from his regeneration. Rose heads for her mum's place to spend Christmas but is soon being chased by Robotic killer Santas and lethal Christmas trees. The Sycorax make their first and only appearance, positioning their ship above London and controlling people with A+ blood. PM Harriet Jones pleas for the Doctor's help, who is bed ridden. The Doctor recovers in the nick of time to save the day.The humour once again belongs to Jackie and Mickey, there are some great lines throughout, my favourites being Jackie's 'I'm gona get killed by a Christmas tree,' and Harriet's 'did we ask about the Royal family, oh they're on the roof,' love it!! The concept of the killer Santas acting as pilot fish for something bigger is a clever one. Harriet Jones (love or hate I know) shines once again, she goes from scatty and lovable to cool, controlled and scared at the end where she destroys the Sycorax. The Sycorax themselves are extremely well designed. We only get about 16 true minutes of David Tennant, but what we get is brilliant. Moment of the episode must be the destruction of the Sycorax ship, and the Doctor's reaction to Harriet.The imagery again is superb, it looks so good, its production values are extremely high, the scene of the mass of people walking onto the rooftops is a very powerful one. I applaud the Christmas Invasion for its originality, it would become the format for the annual seasonal adventure. Had this one not worked it would never have recurred. The Christmas link is well devised, it doesn't feel forced. It's a great episode, with some real high points, it's hard really to pick fault with it.What is the significance of the 6 words? was it paranoia that caused Harriet's demise?I was a huge Eccleston fan, but it wasn't long before Tennant surpassed Eccleston in the role to become arguably the best Doctor to date. I can remember watching the Coming Soon trailer, and being utterly blown away by it.9/10
alissende I love this episode. It's one of my favorites. Here we see David Tennant for the first time as the tenth doctor( excluding the thirty seconds at the end of the parting of the ways). And he is brilliant. He is totally natural. The rest of the cast are very good as well. Billie Piper is also very natural as the doctor companion. The script is good, with some brilliant lines (see quotes page). The pass of the episode is good, with a good lot of action ( the crash landing tardis, the attack of the father Christmases and the Christmas tree, the sword fight..) but not too much, and there is no excessive violence. In fact there is practically no violence, in less you include the sword fight, and even there everything is kept proper: no blood. We also hear what I think are is the first reference to Torchwood. The episode keeps up until the very end To sum it up, i say go and watch this episode as soon as you can.
trekkstr I wonder if the character of Danny Llewellyn is in reference to Robert Llewellyn who played the android "Kryten" on "Red Dwarf"? And major Blake of U.N.I.T. reference to "Blake" from 'Blake's Seven"? Just a thought. I will look for other references as time goes on.I really liked this episode. One it brought back U.N.I.T. and mentioned the spin off show, Capt Jack will be part of "Torchwood". I hope U.N.I.T. will be part of the show more often as they were with the second and fourth doctors. It will be good to see Capt Jack back as part of his own spin-off show. A very different character type that you don't see in any "Dr. Who" episodes. Trekkstr