Do You Like My Basement?

2014 "I'm Stanley.. I'm a film maker.."
3.4| 1h27m| en| More Info
Released: 21 January 2014 Released
Producted By: Limey Films
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Do You Like My Basement? tracks how one man's creative frustration bore a need to make the perfect horror film. Stanley Farmer was rejected universally by the film world. His frustration provoked a darker side and soon cunning, guile, devilish charm and a sociopath's streak compelled him to produce a home-made magnum opus. A film that blurs the lines between reality and fiction and demands the attention of the very world that spurned him.

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Jesse Boland How can a movie in this day and age really not have a FaceBook page, or anything besides the website? Would these things not be helpful in raising KickStarter cash? Anyhow, This is something new for those of you who are on the lookout for that sort of thing. Oh Chad! This movie could have really stunk up the place, but it has some really unique moments that give it just enough life to not just sit there steaming. Devon Talbott was the biggest surprise as Chad who you will grow to not hate as much as the movie goes on. Stanley however is brilliantly performed by Charlie Floyd who you hardly even see in this movie; though with that voice slowly lulling each new potential cast member into a place where he has them completely where he wants them, he is smooth. Otherwise the rest of the cast was good, I did really Enjoy the movie on the whole of it, and characters like Otto were one reason why. The music, and ambient sound effects are really well thought out, and give the movie that whole extra professional layer that it needs. You may or may not catch the ending before you see it, but it is still worth the ride getting there. I would recommend this to your everyday horror movie fan, all of the clichés are there, and played on as they should be, but it is not an overly frightening movie, the music sets the mood so well though you will feel the right tension at the right time.
Muhammed Salman Shamim Yes I said it, its not horror but it is very intelligent and very watchable if your not looking solely for horror. Mr. Farmer (as presented in the film) preys on unsuspecting victims to bring perfection to the horror filming genre. The Act is intelligent telling the victims whats going to happen and then luring them in doing the same. Not to mention the ending that was unexpected. It gave me a huge smirk on my face however it maybe not as comical to who were actually expecting a horror movie. Nonetheless this is a great movie considering its in a micro budget and all the guys on this are unknown actors. I must say great endeavor and what a sinister con artist depicted. A great late night watch *not to be mistaken for horror*.
Flow OK, for a microscopical budget, the movie acted like it supposed to: simple, natural, nothing out of the ordinary. Positive aspects: the acting, believe it or not, was good, damn good I might say for some "off the street" actors, the main one had a great voice, which sustained the plot heavily, cause it mostly relies on it, the place picked, again, a good choice, simple, effective and slightly claustrophobic.Is it a horror tho? Is it something like "The rise of Leslie Vernon"?, or "The hills run red"? No. Far from it actually. It's a movie, filmed, showing how one wants to make a movie, a whole lot of talking and a bad ending in my opinion.So reasons to recommend? If you like horror generally, and you wanna see one to pass some time, this one won't do. You could get bored. You will get bored. It all could have been saved with a greater ending, but it looks like they lost all inspiration there. Till that point tho, better than average, good use of a really small budget, could even be called a small inspiration to others. Rather than rely on useless, horrible CGI, try something that won't upset the eye, but intrigue the brain.Anyway, sadly, "Do you like my basement" is a movie that wanted to succeed, but in a race against itself, it managed to finish last.
yo-520-863674 For some thing as simple as a basement and an Englishman with a camera, how the hell does this movie frighten people.Its simple, Excellent cast who show outstanding shots of fear on the camera. for a second there you would think that this was actually real, and Stanley is in prison now gone in voluntarily after he has released it; a psychopath who just wanted to make the perfect horror film, but knows that its prison next after the release. But he don't care in his head he made the perfect horror film, capturing fear, at its prime. Catching fear right from the beginning the so called "actor" arrives.Keeps them isolated, but at the same time makes them feel stupid for being frightened, because he hasn't done anything yet, just talks to them nicely, and then he frightens them with outrageous questions, and then brings them back to "its just a movie" kind of attitude.but then when they got that thought in their head, and they think OH Na he's just a nice Englishman like Hugh Grant for example, he won't hurt me, then he attacks and the victim all finally realize that "yes" they were right to be scared the first time. If your reading this then yes its a spoiler, I can't not talk about this movie, without saying all that. This is by far one of the best Horror movies I have seen. I gave it a 9/10 but it was low budget, it has been given a 6 something. But it doesn't matter, as soon as you start watching this movie, your hooked and you keep on watching. Then all of a sudden you realize OH damn, maybe this is a real documentary, and you start to Google up the characters to see if there actually alive, and if this was just a movie. Every actor in this movie, was excellent, unrecognizable actors, makes you realize you don't know any of them, and what if it was real. For that type of acting, I see a bright future for all of them. This was an interesting movie to watch and I recommend this movie to anyone who loves a good horror. .