Do Not Resist

Do Not Resist
7| 1h10m| en| More Info
Released: 23 February 2017 Released
Producted By: Vanish Films
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Do Not Resist is an exploration of the rapid militarization of the police in the United States. Opening on startling on-the-scene footage in Ferguson, Missouri, the film then broadens its scope to present scenes from across the country.

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Rand Paul


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Vanish Films

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tudorpsih How can you expect people of color from that area to be kind to you, when you have drones watching over them, raid their homes with the slightest of evidence and have a dozen cops with military arsenal walking around them all the time? You don't see doctors with syringes up in your face, just in case you'll need them or a firefighter with a hose pointed at you, in the eventuality that you'll be set on fire.The government. should calm down from its obsession towards weapons if they want the citizens to give up theirs. I have a feeling that soon we'll watch another documentary from Ferguson called "Winter on Fire part 2".The U.S. forfeited a long time ago from the race of 'the greatest country in the world', but won the 'we have a lot of weapons, though' race and this weird fetish will cost them in the long run.
matthijsalexander Being Dutch I am not really used to violence of inner cities. I think SWAT Teams and tactical teams are for Hollywood movies and series. I am mistaken.This documentary show how ridiculous Americans are and how they are now militarizing their police. How some think its a good idea to rule the masses with armored vehicles and war-materials. It is already ridiculous what types of weapons police are using, but to go this far can only mean that there is some sort of master plan for the USA, that they foresee rebellion and uprising.The documentary is a real jaw-dropper and gives good insight in the mindset of politicians and civilians.
jeremyheadifen Worth watching. There has been a militarisation of the US police no doubt. The problem lies in the biase of the film makers. This is not a journalistic documentary, but a propaganda documentary. They have clearly misrepresented their intentions when filming Police. They clearly have an anti-white racist agenda towards Police. They targeted small town USA, where most folk and Police are White Americans. and the militarisation of the Police in these areas is unnecessary. Conveniently ignored the real problems of Policing. They have produced a documentary that is typically liberal. Focused on the exceptions to the rule, and not the rule. Blatantly anti-white racist. I wouldn't be surprised if George Soros was the money behind this circus.
nascent My introduction to this documentary was the trailer "Official trailer 1" on Youtube. Prior to seeing that I had no knowledge of this filmI feel like the pace, and editing of the trailer is far more direct and purposeful than that of the film itself. I found the introduction of this film a very slow start and through the first 15-20 minutes of this I questioned if I wanted to continue watching the movie.I found that lack of any narrative and general laid-back approach to introducing the movie within the first 15-20 minutes off-putting and weak. It isn't until after first 20 minutes that we get to the message of the documentary aside from "riots are bad". I found the lack of any direct interview footage for the first 25 minutes of the film a poor choice, as as the film nears it's end some of the interviews are the strongest asset of the movie.It's clear that there was a intentional and conscious decision to try to balance and intercut all informational footage with action scenes/task force and protest footage, which is fine for keeping things interesting, but it gets repetitive and uninteresting as it loses it's punch of the message. I feel like just a simple re-edit of this movie would really deliver a much stronger punch of "yes the army are actually giving away for free their mostly unused military equipment to the police force without any training" and yes "these novice officers are mostly misusing this military equipment for riots suppression and fear tactics where they are not actually allowed to do so."I found the interviews and court-room footage, far more powerful than the constant need to keep standing around and watching the black lives matters protests. I absolutely understand that the Missouri and Mike Brown riots/protests are a big deal, but really I found most of it lacked any real purpose or direction in terms of storytelling.I do recommend this documentary as it really does have something to say, especially towards the end, and there's lots of factual and informational footage buried in this movie, sadly I feel that it loses it's place as a must see documentary just because of how haphazardly it tries to find it's footing as a documentary with a message, especially for the first half.