Die Another Day

2002 "He's never been cooler."
6.1| 2h13m| PG-13| en| More Info
Released: 22 November 2002 Released
Producted By: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website: https://www.mgm.com/movies/die-another-day

James Bond is sent to investigate the connection between a North Korean terrorist and a diamond mogul, who is funding the development of an international space weapon.

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fmt-96-787608 Should NEVER have existed. Without this scene, it could have been one of the best "modern" 007 movies. Not included those with Sean Connery, of course. Screenplay here is good. Finally! Pierce Brosnan and Halle Berry are okay. Toby Stephens is excellent. Michael Madsen (agreed his role was so short) and Rosamund Pike's (agreed her role is too long) level of acting is near zero in this 'Die Another Day' movie.
pwwatters Die Another Day is the worst Bond movie ever made, closely followed by The World is Not Enough. The acting was horrible, especially from Halle Berry, Toby Stephens, and Rosamund Pike. The plot was ridiculous and had so many head shaking moments.Everything in the ice hotel is obviously plastic. You can't drive a sports car on a frozen lake and get that kind of performance out of it. The idea of an invisible car is stupid and impossible. John Cleese is a terrible Q. The scene where Bond activates the old jet pack is insultingly idiotic. Almost every line from Jinx (Halle Berry) had me rolling my eyes. Whoever came up with the idea for the terrible CGI surfing scene should be ashamed of themselves.There is so much wrong with this movie that I can't even comprehend how it got made. Luckily we have Daniel Craig to thank for saving the character and series.
unbrokenmetal Watching this movie again after several years made me realize it is better than I remembered it. From the action-packed beginning in a Korean war zone to the beach in Cuba, and from the spectacular ice building to the fights on a plane, there is a lot going on and it never becomes boring. The best fencing sequence in a Bond ever needs to be mentioned, too. There are several enjoyable references to the old Bond days, for example Halle Berry's costume refers to Ursula Andress in 'Dr No', and when Bond talks about ornithology, he casually picks up the book on the subject by a certain Mr Bond who inspired Ian Fleming for his hero's name, as many of you will know. So far, so good.What really spoilt 'Die Another Day' for me is that we don't get convincing gadgets like in the Connery days anymore, but fantasy inventions nobody did believe in (from the invisible car to the, um, cutting edge satellite) and obvious computer effects (the ride on the wave). The second and last time that John Cleese appeared in the series, it must have been too embarrassing to present this mumbo-jumbo. The credibility of the series was damaged, and I thought for the first time that the time had come to let Her Majesty's agent retire. Unfortunately, there was too much money at stake to do that.
KineticSeoul This Bond flick is known as what Joel Schumacher is to "Batman & Robin". I really don't think this is that bad of a movie. But maybe I am going easy on it since it's not as bad as "Batman & Robin". As a matter of fact the first half of this movie is a okay Bond film with action combined with a passable story. Than it completely falls apart during the second half when it shows the ice palace and the orbiting satellite. Minus the Twisted Metal style battle scene. It just become too much after that, I think it might have been alright if this movie came out in the 70's or 80's. And I think that is one of the main reason why this movie got so much hate. The super campy, cheesy and ridiculous aspects of this installment just didn't fly so well in the 2000's. Halle Berry was like at her peak of stardom when this movie came out and it probably also did a lot of damage to her career as well. Or the "Catwoman" movie that came right after, but then again Halle just kept making poor decision after getting some credit for "Monster's Ball". She starts off like she is going to be a standout Bond girl, but that quickly fades when you just can't buy her as this tough badass. Mainly because of how she carries on with the action sequences, by the way she runs and holds her weapons. But yeah, the second half just because absurd and silly to the point I couldn't take the situation serious at all. It's kind of sad to see Pierce Brosnan make his final outing as Bond with this film. I do think he played a big part in making Bond relevant again. He just has the look, the charm and charisma to play Bond. Overall, I give this movie a 5/10 because the first half started out quite well.5/10