Desert Sky

Desert Sky
6.6| 1h28m| en| More Info
Released: 28 November 1997 Released
Producted By: Greek Film Centre
Country: Greece
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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The few survivors of a deserted city, sometime in the near future, are left with no water or food but somehow manage to survive. In a hospital, a lonely scientist, Foteini, is helping a patient with amnesia to recover. She also meets an actor named Aias (Ajax) – who often visits his sick sister – and becomes romantically involved with him. Foteini is swept away by love; Aias, however, is unprepared for such strong emotions. Their separation brings Foteini to the house of the amnesiac, and he takes care of her, up to the moment that she discovers a photo of hers among his things. In the meantime, Aias brings his sister back home from the hospital. While it is getting darker, with clouds gathering in the sky, Foteini and Aias wander the city and meet in the rain.

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Greek Film Centre

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brianme-726-536651 Simply stunning . Starting from a deserted location drives you through a unique world of poetry and sorrow which contains human beings unraveling their selves in the most honest way . The music and photography construct this mournful city where young people continue to live and hope although the circumstances. Human relationships still exist and try to recover from old wounds and to withstand the already planned damned future . Αs the opening line says in ancient Greek << We can only feel the present , hope for the future , remember the past>>. In this film a really difficult goal was achieved, beauty and grief were sewn together, perfectly.