Der schwarze Nazi

Der schwarze Nazi
5.1| 1h30m| en| More Info
Released: 31 March 2016 Released
Producted By: Cinemabstruso
Country: Germany
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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The Congolese Sikumoya faces prejudice and racism on a regular basis. He's accused of not adapting enough to the "German culture" and tries harder. A Neo-Nazi group and his mother-in-law push him to the breaking point. While in a coma, his metamorphosis completes.

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Horst in Translation ([email protected]) "Der schwarze Nazi" is a German 90-minute movie from last year (2016) and it is probably the most known work so far by Karl-Friedrich an Tilman König. This has more to do with the subject though and with the lacks of careers for this duo and not really with the quality of this film we have here. It is the story of a Black man who manages to become a German citizen despite being a refugee, but finding work proves extremely difficult for him. Through a series of coincidences he ends up being used by the Nationalist Party for their purposes and they are worried about their party being forbidden, so they use him to prove they are not as racist as everybody says. The protagonist is never really depicted as a bad guy or racist, just as somebody who cares for his new home Germany.The only perspective to accept this movie is as a comedy and there the film's biggest strength is also his biggest weakness, namely how absurd and over-the-top it is. The filmmakers clearly wanted to make a statement about German society and the currently hot subject of immigrants and refugees. But for that the film is simply not accurate. It would have needed much more subtlety and realism to deliver in that area. The explanation that it is a satire just isn't enough. But still despite most of the actors (including lead actor Itoka being pretty limited), it is not difficult to enjoy some of the funny moments the script has to offer. Yes it also is hit or miss in terms of comedy because it frequently ends up unfunny for trying too hard and too often like when we hear how he intends to lead the party, but in terms of entertainment value the movie has its moments. In terms of everything else, it does not and all in all I have to give it a negative verdict. I suggest you don't let the pretty bad title bait you and watch something else instead. "The Black Nazi" gets a thumbs-down.
Max Fuchs "Der schwarze Nazi" is an amazing grotesque which plays with racist resentments and slogans but with clichés about neo-Nazis as well. Each project against racism and far-right-wing-extremism should be supported and therefore I support this movie and will tell my friend of it. I am looking forward to future projects of these brothers. It seems that big things are coming :)