Death Factory

Death Factory
3.4| 1h21m| R| en| More Info
Released: 05 November 2002 Released
Producted By: Brain Damage Films
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A woman working at a biological research facility becomes ill when she contracts a deadly, new virus. Sometime after, she becomes a half-monster beast and kills her old co-workers. Some time later, a group of teens go into the old research facility to have a party and come face-to-face with creature

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jeannajeanna Wait till you see Death Factory The Bloodletting HTTP:// FACTORY: BLOODLETTING" (SAW meets GRINDHOUSE) is a horror film about a group of online deviants who are invited to an abandoned factory to witness a "Bloodletting", an event displaying the torture and murder of an innocent person. Once inside, they soon realize that they have been lured into a trap by a self-righteous madman who uses the factory and it's bloodthirsty inhabitant as his own personal version of Hell. ----It was a blast to be in and I can't wait till it comes out in May 2008
Paul Andrews Death Factory starts as flashy annoying git Francis (David Kalamus) & his annoying girlfriend Leticia (Rhoda Jordan) tell their equally annoying friends Rachel (Lisa Jay) & her boyfriend Derek (Jeff Ryan) plus Louisa (Karla Zamudio) & the nerdy yet still very annoying Troy (Jason Flowers) that they are all invited to a party at his house as his parents are away for the weekend, unfortunately his parent's change their mind & they have to find an alternative venue to hold their festivities. Louisa comes up with the perfectly reasonable idea of holding the party in a disused factory that has been condemned as any sensible person would, the group are well adjusted human beings & as such have no problem in holding a party in an abandoned rundown potentially dangerous factory, I mean would you? However their flawless plan goes awry when it turns out that the factory is inhabited by a flesh eating zombie (Tiffany Shepis) that wants to kill everyone it meets, sometimes it's just not your day...Written & directed by Brad Sykes Death Factory is crap, I'm sorry but it's as simple & straight forward as that. Why is the question I ask here, why do I keep putting myself through this much torture by continuing to watch this sort of absolute crap? The script is terrible, for a start it's very boring, it's slow & the fist 40 odd minutes of this are almost irrelevant while for some reason it takes itself extremely seriously. Add to that the fact that there were many plot holes that bugged me throughout the entire film, for a start the most annoying one was that for some inexplicable reason these idiotic teens couldn't just walk out of the factory once the realised there was a killer running around, I mean why couldn't they just walk out of the door they entered the place through? Is that such a hard notion to think of & execute? Thre is no reason at all for them to have stayed in the factory once things went bad, none whatsoever & I don't buy the 'maybe the got lost' idea either (did these kids have the memory capacity of a goldfish?) so I just kept thinking to myself 'get the hell out of there you annoying idiots', they never did though. I wasn't sure about the killer either, I must admit she looked pretty cool at times but where did the metal teeth come from & the long metal A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) rip-off sharp nails attached to her fingers? The script is as unambitious & threadbare as they come & is merely an excuse to kill a bunch of annoyingly clichéd teens off & nothing more, not much effort was put into it & it shows as the result is a poor low budget straight-to-video horror film of the worst kind that has zero entrainment value beyond seeing how the killer dispatches her victims. Overall I'd say this is one to avoid...Director Sykes seems to specialise in this sort of low budget straight-to-video horror crap & if the rest of his output sucks as bad as this I hope I never see another one of his films. The character's are awful as is the dialogue, in fact you could turn the sound off Death Factory & still easily understand what's going on it's so simplistic & predictable. Just to add insult to injury there are meant to be a couple of 'twist' endings too including one of the group being a traitor, wow guys I didn't see that coming, & another 'shocking twist' that reveals, wait for it, that the killer in fact isn't dead! Damn what a surprise, what an original 'no-ones ever thought of that before' twist! Does that mean that there's going to be a sequel? I'm shuddering at the mere thought... There's no atmosphere, the entire film looks cheap & unappealing, there's no scares or tension & even the gore is disappointing. Almost of the kills are exactly the same, killer grabs victim, slashes them with Freddy Kruger rip-off razor nails & bites their neck, these scenes feature lots of blood but it's of the splashed around everywhere variety rather than any explicit gore.The budget was obviously low but there are plenty of great low budget films out there so that's no excuse, is it? For some reason the filmmakers keep shooting scenes in front of the same wall, a wall with a strange sign on it saying 'Nuclear Medicine', eh? I sat there looking at it (hell it was far more interesting than was happening on screen elsewhere) & thinking what the hell does Nuclear Medicine mean?! Basically Death Factory has all the production values of your holiday video. The acting is terrible.Death Factory is total crap, I'm sorry but that's the way I see it. Sure the killer is OK but she's a blatant rip-off of Freddy Kruger from A Nigtmare on Elm Sreeet & the self mutilated zombie character played by Mindy Clarke in Return of the Living Dead III (1993) both of which are far superior to Death Factory in every way...
stormruston I think I am burning out on these low budget horrors, there are so many of them now.This one fall in the middle of the pack.The acting is OK, ranging from believable to over the top. Tiffany Shepis as the creature is pretty scary.The gore was poor, lots of blood, but no organs or chunks to speak of, and very repetitive.Lets face it these low budgets are all about the gore, so even tho the acting was a bit better then normal for this type of movie, the lack of quality gore put the movie in the overall 5 to 7 range out of 10.A typical low budget B or a pretty good ultra low budget B.
Eric Blake (toomuchman68) For an ultra-low budget flick, I was impressed. The pacing was good and the boring dialog was kept to a minimum. The effects are cheap but bloody. The producers were just looking to make a splatter movie and they succeeded with what little they had. Its worth a rental.