This movie begins with a young man by the name of "David" (Neal McWilliams) and a young woman named "Elizabeth" (Helen Ashton) meeting on a blind date at a movie theater. The film then fast-forwards to a time after a zombie apocalypse with the two of them living together out in the country and away from all of the turmoil in the city. Unfortunately, Elizabeth gets bitten and David makes the decision to go into the city to possibly find help for her. However, he has no clue about the dangers that await him. Now rather than reveal any more of this movie and risk spoiling it for those who haven't seen it, I will just say that for an ultra low-budget zombie film this particular picture wasn't too bad. As a matter of fact, I was pleasantly surprised as quite often directors operating on a limited budget abandon all creativity and attempt to make something "so bad it's good"--which typically results in a movie that is just plain bad. Fortunately, that's not the case with this movie as the director (Kieran Majury) effectively utilized what scant resources he had available to him and produced a fairly decent film just the same. Having said that, this movie isn't great by any means. But it isn't bad either and for that the director should be commended. I rate this movie as about average.