At firsts I had no expectations for this movie. I really thought it was going to be another low budget B-Movie. You know, the usual bad acting mostly attributed to very poor directing. To my surprise this was certainly not the case. The plot on the other hand was a lot better than most Horror/Sci-Fi movies. It was simple and somewhat silly, but at least it was not complex and full of a bunch of impossible scenarios. I would recommend this movie for any who likes laid back and not too graphic movies in this genre. Especially on a stay at home date night. Fabian Wolfrom made this film significantly better than it actually is. This is the first time I have ever seen this actor and he has made a lasting impression on me.
Jamie Rayworth
Okay so the story does start off interesting enough (Cowardly kid with a crazy past) and the premise is actually quite interesting as well as the story (not quite "Zombies" but something else) The problem is that they didn't use the budget well enough. Sure the effects are pretty good but there's occasionally some bad camera styling (it's enough to be noticeable) and the music and sound effects are very much below average. It's a shame who they got for the lead role because you can clearly see his lack experience, yet his fellow actors actually do quite a decent job. It does get a lot more interesting near the end of the movie but it doesn't give itself enough time to explore the possibilities well enough.So in conclusion: If you enjoy cheesy zombie movies/ Creature movies then you may like this. If you don't mind the low-budget feeling horror flicks then you may enjoy it. If you're someone that only enjoys top-end effects and amazing acting then I don't recommend this movie for you.It's a lot better than some of the horror-zombie-creature flicks as of late but it isn't genre defining, nor is it anything new. I gave it a slightly above average score solely for it trying to do something different. It may not have succeeded in doing something different but at least they tried and that's more than can be said for most movies these days.
Dead Shadows is an independent low-budget movie which actually is very entertaining.It has some elements from older horror movies like the John Carpenter's classic,The Thing(1982)and also includes some elements from Body Horror genre which are similar with David Croneberg's masterpieces.Advantages:From start to the end this movie has a very powerful climax because of the well-written main character(Chris)who becomes from an innocent boy to a ruthless killing machine.Also,the cinematography was really good for a low-budget movie.Furthermore, i must refer to some very interesting CGI effects which seems very familiar to an another post-apocalyptic movie called Cloverfield.Disadvantages:Unfortunately,they are many.The main problem with this film are the characters that are undeveloped and without any meaning in the film.Also,the characters doesn't have any background story except from the main character.An another problem is the plot which is also undeveloped and with a lots of plot holes(leaving you with many questions).In fact,the plot is a rip-off of other post-apocalyptic movies and that means that the movie doesn't have any originality except from some really well-made atmospheric sequences.Furthermore,TOO MANY CGI which are not necessary bad for a low-budget movie but it could be more interested if the creatures of this movie was a little bit more real.Conclusion:7/10 A very entertaining movie to spend your time and a worthwhile endeavor from a newcomer.
Regarding an alien invasion of France, this film is utterly dire. It has a wimpish protagonist who every chick in the film seems to have the hots for and every female character in it is either shallow, vapid or both. It gives no real explanation or backstory, but simply belts along, yet manages to be utterly devoid of tension or suspense and has stupid plot holes. Even at 70 odd minutes it still feels too long and is basically a sequence of weird occurrences and mediocre fight scenes. Also, the CGI sucks.I don't even really have the heart to go into any more detail except to say that it's a total turkey and didn't go down well at all with the audience at the Edinburgh Dead by Dawn festival where I caught it.2/10, a boring annoying film that doesn't seem to have a clue about what it actually wishes to say and a film to be avoided. Truly dreadful.