Dead Like Me: Life After Death

6| 1h27m| R| en| More Info
Released: 17 February 2009 Released
Producted By: MGM Television
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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When George and her colleagues get a new boss whose focus is on moving souls quickly and enjoying life without consequences, the team begins to break the strict reaper rules. While her friends fall victim to their desires for money, success, and fame, George breaks another rule by revealing her true identity to her living family.

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pruittusa If you were a fan of "Dead Like Me" the series, I warn you to not watch this crap-fest of a movie. The series was one of my all-time favorite shows, and it is the first time ever (out of two...second was "Pushing Daisies") I ever wrote a letter trying to save a show. I jumped on all the bandwagons & petitions to try to save the show to no avail. When this straight to DVD movie came out I was ecstatic with anticipation & rented it the day of its release. What a disappointment. I actually cried real tears at the end of the movie. Not because anything the movie made me feel but because of what a travesty it had made of the original series. The story line didn't match-up to the series, the originality and uniqueness of the original series were gone, the acting was phoned in, & the replacement characters were a joke. I wanted to write a review about this train-wreck of a movie as soon as I saw it, but didn't. It wasn't until recently when I had turned a friend onto the show (I own both seasons) who grew to love the series as much as myself wanted to watch the movie. I warned him against it & even watched with him for the second time to see, if I was being too critical. Analysis: I wasn't. This movie will taint the wonderful experience of the series.
zephyr-123 I was so surprised to find this movie because I was a big Dead Like Me fan from the start and was looking forward to seeing a wrap-up of it. Unfortunately, I was mostly disappointed. First off, there are some changes to some of the characters personalities. Of course, Daisy, comes to mind. They had to have another actress play her because Laura Harris either couldn't or wouldn't. People complain that Sarah Wynter is poor at depicting Daisy but I'm not so sure it's all her. When the original Daisy would open her mouth, something interesting came out. Not so with this movie. Daisy's lines in general are just boring. Along with that, there are a few changes in the way the original characters act as if whoever wrote the movie didn't participate in the series and didn't have a good grasp as to what it was all about. I thought perhaps they had different writers but the ones who worked on this also worked on the series. I don't want to give spoilers so I'll just say that some things that happen, esp. the ending with their "replacement" character for Rube, seem completely out of character for all of them. It just comes off as stupid and ridiculous. Another thing is, if they couldn't get Mandy Patinkin, they shouldn't have even bothered with this. He's too important for the composition of the characters to go without and the Henry Ian Cusick part was mostly annoying and pointless. I also wasn't too crazy at how George's mother's change in demeanor from sardonic, cynical and sarcastic to upbeat and recovered from her daughter's death was kind of jarring even though it made sense being after a five year period. There's also a edgy quirky darkness that the original had that is sadly missing here. The best most interesting part of the movie is what happens between George and her sister, which I don't want to say to, again, spoil anything but it is the part that makes this movie worth watching.
james-2181 Dead Like Me, the TV series, was wonderful, simply wonderful. Dead Like Me the movie is a project that should have been discarded long before it came to shooting, the ONLY good thing about "Life After Death" is that Ellen Muth is in it.No Rube is one thing, but Daisy, oh, Daisy, that has to be the most terrible thing about the movie, absolutely NOTHING like Daisy, neither look, nor sound, nor character AT ALL, it was like Daisy herself was abducted and replaced by somebody totally different in every way, and NOBODY noticed.But she's not the only one. The new Young Georgia not only looked totally and completely different but sounded different (almost a German accent?!) and Millie (Georgia's visible self) was replaced with somebody far too close to Ellen's looks.Reggie's relationship with the jock was, well, so just damn out of character, and far too saccharine, I just sat there thinking "WHAT!". And Georgia getting kissed by what's his face Rube's replacement (who frankly was little more than an conduit for the comic relief of killing him) to, NO reaction from her. Huh?!For the rest of the team, especially Roxy, to throw away the notion of consequence, so readily, so absolutely readily, after ALL that had gone before (in the series), ALL the lessons learned where their actions, or lack of, had consequence, and for them to simply forget all that, in an instant, made no sense at all. Again, huh?!And finally, perhaps biggest of all, for Reggie to tell Joy about how she met Georgia and she's effectively alive, show her a picture etc but for Joy, JOY, to in the space of about 30 seconds totally move on from this... HUH!Quite simply, this movie should never have been attempted, too much time had passed since the series ended, the actors and the characters had changed too much in that space we "did not see". The series is the beginning of the story, the movie is the end of it, the middle part of the story, where clearly so much has happened, has been lost.With the exception of being able to watch Ellen's wonderful Georgia Lass for a short while longer, with that sole exception, "Life After Death" should be in my opinion not be watched by a fan of the series. It can only lead to a disappointing experience. I wish I had not watched it.
lenny76 I only came across the TV series title in the last couple of weeks and sat through both seasons as fast as possible, as I absolutely loved it! After enjoying these immensely, I was looking forward to an extension of the same, within the movie. Unfortunately, the best I can say is that MOST of the acting and MOST of the dialogue wasn't too bad, and they did manage to get SOME story in there. In short, it was such a disappointment to find the movie had less content than an episode, seemed very choppy and forced most of the way through, started without a real beginning and finished without an end! I want my 87 minutes back! I guess as the old saying goes: "What has been seen cannot be unseen"... *sigh*