Dave Brubeck - Take Five in a Quartet

Dave Brubeck - Take Five in a Quartet
7.5| 1h23m| G| en| More Info
Released: 26 November 2006 Released
Producted By: Geneon Entertainment
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Featuring both the classic tunes and his newest works, The Dave Brubeck Quartet entertains their fans with the energy and eloquence of true artists who love their job. Dave Brubeck - Take Five In A Quartet movie With Dave Brubeck on piano, the talented Bobby Militello alternating between alto sax and flute, the solid Michael Moore on bass, and the always-captivating Randy Jones on drums, no song goes wrong and every piece is a musical journey. Dave Brubeck - Take Five In A Quartet video Perhaps few jazz bands achieve such a complex and entertaining range of music so consistently as The Dave Brubeck Quartet.

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Geneon Entertainment

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