Dark Nemesis

Dark Nemesis
2.1| 1h26m| PG-13| en| More Info
Released: 11 July 2011 Released
Producted By: Lightning Rod Studios
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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In a post-apocalyptic world ravaged by feuding warlords, a group of desperate soldiers hatch a plan to steal a Warlord's treasure and start a new life. Faced with the threat of a horrific death at the hands of the Warlord's executioners, the men escape into a desolate and forbidden land known only as the Shadowlands. Now the men must flee from the Warlord's vicious assassins while defending themselves from the terrifying creatures that inhabit the land.

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Lightning Rod Studios

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zuschlag-472-327080 This movie is terrible. WAY too much running in one direction or another. I fast-forwarded through approximately 80% without missing much. Lots of intent looks, and fake fear that was not convincing. I'm sorry I wasted part of an evening on it. And can anyone tell me why it's listed on IMDb as The Dark Knight but being marketed on DVD as Dark Nemesis? I can't figure that one out unless it has to do with the Batman release around the same time. If I had read the reviews before, I wouldn't have bothered. The 'fake' monsters didn't bother me as much as all of the pointless running back and forth; first back, then forth, over and over and over.
hansenan-217-854041 I know that if you are reading this it is only because you want to see if someone can actually describe how terrible this movie is. Well, I can't. I spent some time in a dictionary/thesaurus trying to find some way to adequately describe the horrendous graphics, terrible script, extremely poor acting, and overall lack of quality that this movie has so successfully achieved.I got this movie at Red box(I don't know why they even sell this movie) because I had seen everything else and the title/cover of it made it seem like a low budget horror movie. Nothing could have prepared me for how horrible this movie would be. Half of the movie was just running or walking sequences; lacking in dialogue and boring.I have made better movies then this with no money and an iphone as a camera. I would expect this movie to be produced by a high school film class, and even then I would be disappointed. Just a bad movie.
brodsky_donna-1 When I rented this movie it was called "Dark Nemesis" and is what I call a "TGFFF" movie: Thank God, for Fast Forward. In fact, this sucker is so bad, I fast-forwarded it to the max. The "monsters" are totally fake and cheap. They have wings and zoom around, but when they chase the heroes (who are on foot), they somehow cannot catch them. They have huge teeth but don't bite off heads, which it what you would expect.The dialog is expositional and pedestrian: it tells us what we already know, then tells us again and again and again. I refer to scene on a bridge between the safe world and Shadowlands (which, in a voice-over at the beginning of the movie, we are warned is a "very bad place" where "monsters dwell.") Then this guy (obviously doomed to die) on the bridge tells our heroes the same thing . . . twice. Plus, just in case we are deaf or stupid, a sign on the bridge arch says, "Turn Back." Later in the movie, the actors very slowly walk up and down this basement being stalked by a monster you never see (an over-used cliché) and they do this for maybe ten minutes.Normally, I enjoy monster movies, but this one is a total waste of time. As for paying homage to other movies . . . I would say they plagiarized other movies and did it badly.I gave it 1 out of ten because this rating has no minus numbers.
XMusicaX The effects, costumes, action sequences and production are what you would expect from a low budget film. Despite this, I enjoyed it. Its original & offbeat enough to not be too cliché or predictable. The actors do a good job of plying their craft. There are attempts at comic relief thrown in that satire other movies and others that have a style all their own.All in all, a quality b or c movie production. More fun & interesting than some overdone, big name & budget, productions. Better story, character development and acting, too.I gave it an 8.