Dancing Dreams

Dancing Dreams
7.3| 1h32m| en| More Info
Released: 07 October 2010 Released
Producted By: TAG/TRAUM Filmproduktion
Country: Germany
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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The dance performance “Kontakthof” bears the unmistakable signature of Pina Bausch: it deals with forms of human contact, encounters between the sexes, and the search for love and tenderness, with all its attendant anxieties, yearnings and doubts. It is a dance about feelings, which always pose a big challenge – particularly for young people. Teenagers from more than eleven schools in Wuppertal went on an emotional journey that lasted almost a year. Every Saturday, forty students aged between fourteen and eighteen years of age took part in rehearsals that were led by Bausch-dancers Jo-Ann Endicott and Bénédicte Billiet and intensely supervised by Pina Bausch herself.

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TAG/TRAUM Filmproduktion

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big_kmc I don't know anything about dance, and I went to see this because my friend wanted someone to go with him. At first I was like "oh great, what did I get myself into for the next hour and a half" because I didn't want to watch annoying teenagers perform what seemed like horrible dance moves - especially after watching dancers with machine-like precision on So You Think You Can Dance and Dancing With the Stars. But there was so much more going on. These teenagers first of all seemed so different than American teenagers. They seemed more authentic and more human somehow. It was amazing to see what was asked of them in the raw, behind the scenes, way we are able to see it. The teachers were so dedicated, such good guides, so in love with the youth of the teenagers. The teenagers themselves were transformed and the final product was actually really great. Pina seemed to understand the symbol she embodied, she was a muse and she took the responsibility seriously, pointing past herself to something greater. Not many egos can withstand that but she bore the burden of what she represented very well. She was old and had seen it all in terms of dance yet she was as mesmerized as we were. I felt transported during this movie and afterward, I felt so alive. You can't ask for more from a movie than that.