Jeremy Boyd
Perhaps I am at a great disadvantage reviewing this film when just a few days ago I finished watching the complete original television series, so everything about the original characters is so fresh in my mind.First of all the acting is terrible. Toby Jones as Captain Mainwaring is perhaps the best of a terrible bunch, which still isn't saying much for him either. Michael Gambon could have done a marvelous job as Godfrey, but the script never gave him the opportunity. Bill Nighy is utterly hopeless as Sergeant Wilson - he played the part like he had never seen John Le Mesurier's wonderful interpretation of the role, and Tom Courtenay came across like a second rate actor desperately trying to reproduce Clive Dunn's character.I'm not going to say anymore - the film is so very boring, and I am wandering if this version was deliberately done this way for some reason or the other. All the charm and wit of the characters and the stories of the original series are hopelessly lost. David Croft must be turning in his grave.
Oh wow.Where to start?Awful plot, so bad and cringeworthy that it is not worthy of the term plot. There are the lame jokes which we expect, the prat falls which we also expect. What is missing is any sense of narrative.this is ninety minutes of my life I cannot get back..Don't bother.
David Jemitus
I enjoyed the old Dad's Army series but was never a die hard fan of it.The new film is pleasant and full of great actors but I only laughed once (near the end of the film) and found it rather disappointing. The new actors did a good job of reprising the characters except for Toby Jones as Captain Mainwaring didn't work.The one exception was Annette Crosbie and Julia Foster who looked like they had a great time making the film and made the most of their tiny presence of screen. However the other actors were largely wasted by average (and unfunny) dialogue and a dull interpretation of the story.Many things are best left with the originals only and that's certainly true in this case.
It's always hard to watch a remake without comparing it to the original... This film stands better with its peers if you can resist the urge to make the comparison with its original ...I read some reviews making direct comparisons which to me in truth isn't fair as to do so in anyway you really need to go back to the very first series... As its in these episodes you see the same criticisms made of this one ... The original series developed into what we all know and it wasn't till the coloured episodes that we saw the same story lines from the B&W episodes being tweaked to suit the actors and their characters... It was the writing for the individuals that went to make the dads army we know and love... So to me it's unfair to compare those rewritten and established characters and story lines to this film...If you are going to do so it should be compared to those original B&W episodes where you can see some of the same criticisms made of this film in those episodes... Of course even by doing so you can get caught up in the trap of making like for like comparisons and to me this film isn't or wasn't made to be such... To me it plays more like an homage to a wonderful show and gentle quirky characters...This film to me stands out from other recent releases as a gentle and quirky film... Something that doesn't try to be anything more than it is ... It isn't a remake ... It's an homage ... And no matter how much you loved the original Dads Army .. This film doesn't set out to be that but rather to me a gentle reminder of the emotions those shows brought to us..It's worth the effort to watch and enjoy it for what it is... An homage to a great TV show and wonderful characters and a reminder of a time past and never to be repeated... The slight variations didn't detract from my overall enjoyment of this film... It was never meant to be a laugh out loud film... just a simple film to enjoy and pass a few hours being reminded of a time past...