This short is well-produced and decently acted, but the characters are universally repugnant; I never once cared if they all got sucked down the drain. The biggest offender is the girlfriend, who is a shrieking harpy who NO ONE would live with for more than 5 minutes. The boyfriend is evidently unemployed and has had a fling, but at least he seems fairly human.The description already says there's a succubus, so it's no spoiler. The thing lives in the bathtub that has religious symbols in it. There's no way anyone would use that shower more than once, but he does.For me, the thing that is impossible to ignore or forgive is that the girlfriend decides she's going to get revenge on the guy by anally raping him--this is even before the succubus gets involved. A fling is worse than rape? The whole experience is unpleasant and has no internal logic. I gave it a 3 because the technical work is well done.