Cry Rape

Cry Rape
6| 1h13m| NR| en| More Info
Released: 27 November 1973 Released
Producted By: Warner Bros. Television
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A man who is arrested for rape swears it wasn't him but somebody who looks just like him, but the victim insists it was him.

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Warner Bros. Television

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celayner I was a big fan of the movie Cry Rape and the actor Peter Coffield since I first saw the movie as a teenager. This was a very significant movie for a seventies TV movie. I was shocked at the time for the graphic detailed police questioning of a rape victim. I thought the rape scene itself was handled very well without being to frightening. The camera switching from the clock ticking and the her cat drinking milk added fear and suspense to the scene. It also was the first time that a movie looked at the the male as possible victim when accused of this crime. Although, I believe that the twist of the suspect's having a double was satisfying, it took away from the seriousness of the rape issue. I believe it was added for it's entertainment value. I was so impressed with Peter Coffield and the lead actress. Does anyone know how the actor Peter Coffield passed away or any website that would post details of that information? I have known very little about him except for seeing him on some old television shows years ago. I would appreciate any information.
Brian Washington This was one of the first films to deal with the once taboo subject of rape. In fact, it beat the acclaimed A Case of Rape, featuring Elizabeth Montgomery, by a few months. However, while the latter film is remembered by audiences and critics alike, this one is very much forgotten. As another commentator said, it starts off fine by showing what a woman goes through during and after a rape, but the thing that killed this film was that it seemingly forgot about the victim and concentrated on the man that was wrongly accused of the crime. No wonder more people remember the Elizabeth Montgomery film. That film will always be remembered for helping to take away the stigma of such a horrific crime, while this film will only be remembered as just another 1970's movie of the week.
preppy-3 then becomes a standard cop drama.A woman is raped (not shown) and in shows in graphic (for TV) detail the indignities she goes through with the police to prove she was attacked. This part is very good, well-acted and interesting.SPOILER AHEAD!Then it turns into a standard wrong guy gets convicted story. When they throw in his evil twin at the end I gave up completely. So, it's good until about the halfway mark.For early 1970s TV this was pretty strong stuff.