Crimson Tide

1995 "Danger runs deep."
7.4| 1h56m| R| en| More Info
Released: 12 May 1995 Released
Producted By: Hollywood Pictures
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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After the Cold War, a breakaway Russian republic with nuclear warheads becomes a possible worldwide threat. U.S. submarine Capt. Frank Ramsey signs on a relatively green but highly recommended Lt. Cmdr. Ron Hunter to the USS Alabama, which may be the only ship able to stop a possible Armageddon. When Ramsay insists that the Alabama must act aggressively, Hunter, fearing they will start rather than stop a disaster, leads a potential mutiny to stop him.

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Filipe Neto How far can a misunderstanding between two stubborn men go when they are stuck inside a confined space? This movie answers that question inside an American submarine when a stubborn veteran commander no longer understands his first officer, younger and idealistic. To make matters worse, they are facing a major crisis, waiting for an attack at any moment. This thriller is undeniably good and has a story that holds our attention and makes us aware of any fight between these two men. Both are right in their ideas, so they can not dialogue in order to appease themselves. A fight that can have unthinkable consequences, since the core of the issue is the use of nuclear weapons contained in the ship. The situation is obviously dramatic and the script explores the nuclear fears of today's society very well. Denzel Washington shines in the role of the Officer Hunter and Gene Hackman is a veteran with decades of work that returns to show its value. The sets and costumes are excellent, as are special effects and sound effects. In my view, the film's weakest point comes at the very end, where the two men who have been harshly confronted throughout history end up almost like friends. This does not seem to agree with the stubborn and proud personality of any of them and goes against logic, however nice it may seem for the end of a movie.
SnoopyStyle Russia is suffering political instability as rebels threaten launching nuclear war against US and Japan. The US sends nuclear submarine, the Alabama, off to sea. Captain Ramsey (Gene Hackman) needs a new XO. Commander Hunter (Denzel Washington) is brought on board. The two are cordial at first, but soon differences surface. Ramsey is old-school and doesn't think much of the college educated Hunter. When they receive a disputed order to launch, the two men struggle to get the upper hand.It is a compelling exciting submarine movie. There isn't an easy bad guy although we're meant to empathize with Denzel. The pairing of Hackman and Washington generates a lot of energy and a lot of acting power. They have a great back and forth during the climax. They are backed up by great supporting actors Matt Craven, George Dzundza, Viggo Mortensen, James Gandolfini, and Rocky Carroll. Director Tony Scott delivers a solid thriller.
Jack Kierski Don Simpson and Jerry Bruckheimer's 1995 film production of "Crimson Tide" has a good Submarine Dramatization Action/Thriller plot that features some intense action scenes, great cast, & excellent dialogue. The director, who made this film was Ridley Scott's younger brother Tony Scott. The film was released on May 12, 1995. The plot starts off with a news report that involves Russian rebels loyal to Vladimir Radchenko, an ultra nationalist, have hijacked a nuclear missile installation and are threatening nuclear war if either the American or Russian governments attempt to confront him. A U.S. Navy nuclear submarine, USS Alabama (SSBN-731), is assigned a mission, to be available to launch its missiles in a preemptive strike if Radchenko attempts to fuel his missiles. "The incredible Gene Hackman" portrays Captain Frank Ramsey, who is the commanding officer of USS Alabama. Before they officially start the mission, they need to hire a new X.O. and the choice that they picked is Lieutenant Commander Ron Hunter portrayed by Denzel Washington. Hunter is an expert in military history but, no combat experience. While on the way, there was an incident and Hunter had a disagreement with how Ramsey handled the plan, it's evident that Ramsey doesn't think too much of Hunter because he was college educated while Ramsey worked his way up. They're given strict commands to attack but when they were in the process of receiving another order, the ship's communications were damaged, so the whole message was not responded. Ramsey made a decision to continue with their previous order while Hunter wants to re-establish contact first. That's when the two men butt heads that ends with Hunter relieving Ramsey. Later when some men die, some of the officers feel that Hunter is not up to be in charge so they partner up to re-command control. But Hunter has taken precautions. The two then-semi-famous actors Viggo Mortensen (6 years before he portrayed the role as Aragon from The Lord of the rings trilogy) and James Gandolfini (4 years before he portrayed Italian-American crime boss Tony Soprano from the HBO crime series The Sopranos) both portrayed two supporting characters deputy Peter "Weps" Ince & Bobby Dougherty. Speaking of which, there is a cool moment in movie, when Weps, Bobby, and the rest of the crew on the bus to the submarine port were talking about old submarine movies like "The Enemy below" (1957) and "Run Silent Run Deep "(1958).They were also asking trivia question about Submarine movies each other: Weps asked Bobby who played the commander from Run Silent, Run Deep and then, Bobby answered "Cary Grant". That answer is actually wrong , it wasn't Cary Grant it was Clark Gable a.k.a The King of Hollywood , who portrayed the submarine commander from Run Silent, Run Deep. Both The Enemy Below and Run Silent, Run Deep of course made the same connection of the movie due to the same submarine film genre of those two films as they were mentioned in the film that is of course also Submarine film and that's why I find this moment of the movie to be cool. One of the deputies of the submarine, Bobby needs a little more character development. There is a realization that Bobby doesn't really have a lot of dialogue of the film but, I still think that he could be entertaining character at times. Jimmy's New Jersey accent makes his character is the main reason that make his character entertaining in the film. 36 year old James Gandolfini was still portraying supporting movie roles at the time he started in this movie. Bobby was the main deputy disagrees on Hunter taking over the submarine. I find Hans Zimmer's film score in the action scenes of the film to be very thrilling. The sounds from the orchestra, choir and synthesizer makes the film score thrilling. Hans Zimmer won a Grammy award of this film score in 1996.This film score is one of Hans Zimmer's personal favorites along with The Lion King and Gladiator.Both Denzel Washington and Gene Hackman acted out on their lead characters really well. The way that they were both taking command of submarine was serious in a intensive way. The arguments about their disagreements that they had, made it intensively serious. I highly recommend that movie for people in general and especially people, who are into submarine movies like "Das Boot". I find the movie to be "Thrilling. I give a 3 out of 4 stars.
Desertman84 Crimson Tide is a submarine film directed by the late Tony Scott that stars Gene Hackman and Denzel Washington. It takes place during a period of political turmoil in the Russian Federation, in which ultra-nationalists threaten to launch nuclear missiles at the United States and Japan. It focuses on a clash of wills between the seasoned commanding officer (Gene Hackman) and the new executive officer (Denzel Washington) of a nuclear missile submarine, arising from conflicting interpretations of an order to launch their missiles.The film takes place during a period of instability in post-Soviet Russia. Units of the Russian military loyal to Radchenko, an ultra-nationalist, have taken control of a nuclear missile installation and are threatening nuclear war if either the American or the Russian government attempts to confront him.The United States nuclear strategic missile submarine USS Alabama is assigned a patrol mission, to be available to launch its missiles in a preemptive strike if Radchenko attempts to fuel the missiles his men have captured. Captain Frank Ramsey is the commanding officer of the sub, and one of the few commanders left in the Navy with any combat experience. He chooses as his new executive officer (XO) Lieutenant Commander Ron Hunter, who has an extensive education in military history and tactics, but no combat experience.During their initial days at sea, tensions between Ramsey and Hunter become apparent due to a clash of personalities: Hunter's more analytical, cautious approach towards his mission and the men, as opposed to Ramsey's more impulsive and intuitive approach. The Alabama eventually receives an Emergency Action Message from the National Command Authority, ordering the launch of ten of its SLBM missiles on the Russian nuclear installation, based on satellite information that the Russians' missiles are being fueled. Before the Alabama can launch, a second message arrives but is cut off by the attack of a Russian submarine friendly to Radchenko. The radio is damaged in the attack and is unable to decode the second message. With the last confirmed order being to launch, Captain Ramsey decides to proceed with the launch. Hunter refuses to concur as is procedurally required to launch, because he believes the partial second message may be a retraction. Hunter argues that the Alabama is not the only American submarine in the area, and if the order was not retracted, other submarines will launch their missiles. Ramsey argues that attack submarines may have destroyed any other American submarines and that they can't rely on someone else to carry out the order for them.Boasting taut, high energy thrills and some cracking dialogue courtesy of an uncredited Quentin Tarantino, Crimson Tide finds the late director Tony Scott near the top of his action game.It is a rare kind of war movie that not only thrills people while they're watching it, but invites them to leave the theater actually discussing the issues.And last but not the least,the performances in the film were top-notch.This is highly recommended for anyone who loves good movies.