Crawl or Die

2014 "If you can't run..."
Crawl or Die
4| 1h30m| R| en| More Info
Released: 13 August 2014 Released
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Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Earth as we know it is gone. A virus has destroyed the planet and rendered all its women infertile, all but one. An elite team of soldiers are tasked with bringing the woman to safety on the newly habitable Earth Two. But when they are forced underground they find themselves fighting for survival from an bloodthirsty creature in a maze of ever shrinking tunnels. As the team's ranks start to dwindle, the tunnels shrink and the ammunition run out, the crawl for survival becomes more and more desperate.

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andyverhoest It is not a movie i would watch several times but glad i have seen it !All the bad critics baffle me. The movie jumped right into the action with only a little info about what the f*ck is going on and never gives any explanation where or what they encounter.Its all fine tho.I'm not squeamish about gore or explicit material but this movie made me feel claustrophobic and uneasy as nothing else without.I was relieved the movie ended because i suffered together with the starring actress,and she did a fine job a horror babe,Hell i want her as Ripley in the Alien remakes.In the end.. is this not whats a horror movie is all about ?To make you feel uneasy?Indeed the story or the effects did not impress like the usual dose Hollywood inject us with.I still give this movie a fat 8 out of 10.Its way better then the thousands of boring crap horror movies i ever seen.Only two things wrong with the movie: 1)Nicole Alonso had better no bra worn under her tank top. 2)Maybe the movie should have a different ending.8000$ budget ?! Awesome job !
arfdawg-1 An elite security team assigned the task of protecting the last known woman who can become pregnant, find themselves caught in an endless claustrophobic underground tunnel system. The team soon learns - the real horror is not the unstoppable force chasing them, but the ever growing smaller tunnel itself. OMG! his is the worst Alien rip off ever.I goes on and on forever with the blurriest darkest scenes you are thankful not to be able to see only to pull out a complete rip off of the alien monster!What?It's idiotic.
ozdoug OK, the beginning was 'OK'...the story line was set & the main characters were introduced fairly quickly...good. The ending was I have to admit pretty bad.....almost felt like the ideas had run out & people just wanted to get the thing over & done with. BUT the main part of the film however.....ANOTHER STORY! I have never seen a film that has attempted to handle the scenario of people stuck in crawl spaces trying to escape something & I thought it was very well done. The heroine literally goes from a small space to a smaller space, to an even smaller space. With each one I was hooked as to how it would was very well done indeed. Unfortunately I am sure in the future someone else will try the same thing in a more polished & slick way, but kudos to the team that gave it to us first!!
amesmonde The future... A team of soldiers try to make their way out of a maze of underground tunnels while being hunted down by a deadly creature. A relentless and grim indiefilm, reminiscent of The Decent, in terms of tight spaces, part homage to Alien with it's creature design. It's a dark film with tight metal shafts, torch lit, choking soil filled tunnels as Tank and company try to find there way out.Lead Nicole Alonso's performance as Tank and costume peaks interest, Torey Byrne and David Paul Baker are notable.The practical creature design deserve a mention being well hidden until the closing act. Given the nature of the film the dialogue is sparse and the sound design is effective. Director Oklahoma Ward's Crawl or Die (a.k,a Alien Crawl) is a slow burning low budget feature that will certainly disturb claustrophobics. It does a lot with its limited budget.Worth checking out if you like the likes of The Dark Lurking (2010),Hunter Prey (2009), Cargo (2009), Crawlspace (2012).