Crash of Moons

3.2| 1h18m| NR| en| More Info
Released: 10 July 1954 Released
Producted By: Official Films
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A three-part episode from the TV series Rocky Jones, Space Ranger edited together and released as a feature for 16mm rental only. Season 1 episodes 21, 22, 23. Episode 21: Rocky saves a space station and his friends when they are trapped between gypsy moons. Episode 22: Cleolanthe tries to destroy one of the gypsy moons with a barrage of missiles. Episode 23: Rocky evacuates the gypsy moon Posetta and stops Cleolanthe's missile barrage.

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esmorr I bought this movie for a couple of dollars at a "Clearance warehouse sale" one day when just looking around. The cover looked pretty good, (in colour), but the movie is B&W, (I wish they wouldn't try to trap us with coloured covers on B&W movies, but it's a common thing to look out for!).When I watched it I was pleasantly surprised. It turned out to be better than I expected. I was disappointed that it was a B&W, but the effects are pretty good, certainly better than, say, "Invaders from Mars" which has crappy effects, and it is great to see John Banner in something else apart from Hogan's Heroes.Overall, this movie isn't too bad for a B grade, and certainly worth the two dollars from a nostalgia point of view. It isn't my favourite sci-fi, but it's not my worst either. It's o.k.
pat mac I completely disagree with the previous review. The special effects for this show were above and beyond their limited budget. Other shows of this genere that had limited budgets that did well include Star Trek for one. They used salt shakers for equipment fer crying out loud. The plot line for Crash was a little corny, but look at the time period that it was made in. TV was in it's infancy and it's targeted audience were the kids of the 50's, you know..."Baby Boomers". Their older brothers & parents didn't have TV. They only had radio serials like Superman & Jack Armstrong. As you said about "Poor Cleolanta", she was a total hottie for any age. She has the most beautiful eyes & pretty face. Winky, played by Scotty Beckett, if you didn't recognize him was Scotty from the Little Rescals, you know the one with the hat on backwards. John Banner, who later played lovable Sgt Schultz (I know nothinnnnngggg) played Bavarro. Sally Mansfield, who later was a regular on The Bachelor Father in the early 60's, played Vena Ray. She was fairly hot also. I guess it's all about individual taste. You also have to remember that a lot of plot lines and gizmos from this show were borrowed by the later shows. The best thing to say is watch it 7 make up yer own mind.
sbs5cats Excellent entertainment value when viewed as the MST3K version! Everyone is a hoot, and John Banner appears in a rare serious role as the ruler of one of the doomed planets. Don't forget to send a Bannergram. Oh, and don't forget to watch Manhunt in Space, as well.
Lou Rugani This feature was re-edited from a two-part episode of the popular 1954 syndicated "Rocky Jones, Space Ranger" series, which lasted only one season because its sophisticated (for the time) special effects, sets and wardrobe requirements made it too expensive to show a profit. Fortunately the films survived (unlike the "Captain Video" kinescopes) to be available to students of the genre. Richard Crane was the perfect space captain, and Sally Mansfield as Vena Ray, Rocky's miniskirted assistant, makes sure the adult male interest level stays measurably acceptible. Alexander Laszlo's title theme is in 3/4 time, very unusual for a space opera, and it uses plenty of theremin.