
2017 "Let the flour fly!"
4.4| 1h38m| R| en| More Info
Released: 17 November 2017 Released
Producted By: Lionsgate Premiere
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Amateur 'chefs' from around the country compete for a million dollar prize in the ultimate food fight.

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Lionsgate Premiere

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katies_space It was funny. I did not expect to like it but it was great. I would love to know how to get a copy of the cover they did for "Love Is All Around".
ravenhair702 Oh my god. OH MY GOD! Please don't summit yourself to this movie if you don't have to. There are American's overseas that are having bamboo shoved under their fingernails thinking "At least I'm not watching the movie Cookoff." My wife is a big Melissa McCarthy fan and wanted to rent a comedy compared to her usual horror/possession film. I, for one, welcomed the change, but on the way home, I Youtubed the movie we rented and found nothing...NOTHING but horrible reviews about it. One person quoted In a review that" He watched the trailer and now he has cancer." Damn funny, buy I agree with him whole-heartedly. I drank a mixture of rum/peach-a-rita drinks to ease my pain and let me tell you...I couldn't get drunk enough to enjoy this waste of film. For gods sake, don't waste your time with this. You'll never get back the time or money.
rpleech-39333 There was not one redeeming, funny, thought out, or useful moment in the movie. The cast was terrible. Melissa McCarthy (the front and center of the poster) was in about 3 minutes of the movie. It was clear they didn't even script her part of the film and just gave her a couple props and slapped her on the poster. If you coohse to watch this, just light your TV on fire and give up.
pamelaliberi The Movie " COOK OFF" made my husband and myself laugh like crazy! Cathryn Michion, Melissa McCarthy and all the other actors and actress's, were absolutely fabulous in their roles! I couldn't stop laughing and I still can't stop laughing. The opening credits were so very creative, I have never seen anything like that before, that blew my mind! When I saw that, I just knew this move was going to be great and it was! I suggest that everybody please go see this! This will lift up your spirits, you will smile, laugh all day long and for days after that, too! It's one of the funniest movies I have seen in a very long time! Thank you for making my hubby and I laugh so very much. I am telling all of my friends to go see this great and very funny 10 star movie! I promise you will laugh all day long and after that, too! Enjoy!