Jozef, Philip, and Lars are three disabled young friends who decide to go on a road trip to a Spanish brothel to lose their virginity. At first the true purpose of the trip is hidden from their doting but overprotective parents. Then the whole trip has to be carried out covertly when Lars, in the doctor's opinion, becomes too sick to travel. What the trip reveals is that Jozef is a lovely guy, Philip is a self-absorbed moronic drunk, and a misogynistic one to boot, while Lars is also a drunk and an out-and-out racist. But the film expects us to forgive these traits because they are in wheelchairs. However, there isn't enough characterisation or subtlety here to mitigate the crudity of the two young men. The film has episodic successes: Lars' younger sister is gleeful in her plans to aid her brother's adventure, and the character of Claude is well-written and performed. But overall this is an under-realised script that relies too heavily on disability as a forgiveness for ugly prejudices. Formulaic, tonally uneven, and strangely both cynical and sentimental.
While Dutch/Belgian movies often try to replicate the big budget action (or suspense) from US cinema, they would be much better off trying to master the art of creating something charming and heartfelt within the budget range that is there. Like this film! No fancy effects or smoky rooms with people staring in the distance contemplating the state of the world, but actual people with actual needs and a little challenge at that.Because what do you do when you're a young horny bloke, and paralysed? Or blind? Or dying? It's simple questions like this that probably arise a lot more in regular life than we (I) might think. Luckily, the Spanish have a solution: a bordello for just that sort of need. On with the road trip!
Reno Rangan
It was like the British movie 'Third Star' where they go in search of peace but in this movie it is totally opposite. It centers around three friends Joseph, Phillip and Lars who are in the twenties. Joseph is a visually impaired, Phillip is paralyzed and Lars got a tumour. They are all common in something, like, they are still virgins. They are looking for their first sexual experience, so they plan all the way to tour Spain where the destiny for their desire is waiting for them. But what stand against them are their parents and of course the disease. How they overcome everything and reach their goal is what the rest of the movie gonna tell to us.If you read the synopsis of the movie you come to know that the concept was not the first time you have heard. It is the common theme in Americans teen movies like 'Sex Drive' and 'The Inbetweeners'. But the thing was the main three characters were disabled and that makes the movie special. Because of the softness of the characters, the audience will easily approve the intense of storyline and saying 'let them have what they want'. Yeah, that makes I too want to be like one of them then I can be approved to have anything I want, hahaha.I think the movie was good. It was a fun adventure simultaneously light emotional tale. All these three guys wanted was to have the fun like the normal people, before it become too late for them. There was also a fat woman in the story, called Claude and she was the van driver who takes them to the tour. Her role was obvious and supported well to the main characters. She was kinda reminded me Melissa McCarthy.It was one of the best road movie. I thought I could see some beautiful places of Europe but the director had the different ideas. He exposed lots of character emotions than the places around them but still the beauty of Europe vastly visible. The tale leaves nothing for us to guess the end, as expected it ends in a usual style. So if you thought it would be a tearjerker's movie, it is not. The movie had many lines about adult stuffs, that makes it suitable for them only. It is one of the heartwarming comedy about disabled people and their desires like many movies we had seen.8.5/10
You really have to give credit to the filmmakers for tackling this very tough subject matter! Especially because they're not steering off to cliché country. That doesn't mean it isn't predictable, but that it feels and looks honest. The three main actors do have a lot of to work with and they'll get their moment to "shine" (no pun intended). But "Claude" is also a great character.Even when the characters feel annoying, you can't be too mad at them. But you can see where all the conflict is coming from. It's not easy sometimes to walk that fine line (no pun intended), when it comes to character likability. Watch it if you like good and believable drama!