What can I say? I saw this movie few months ago and always wanted to do a review about it mainly because it was so so so bad. But when I started writing I had no idea what to say about other then that that it was really bad. I was bored out of my mind the whole time. But I was too stubborn to quit watching it which I really regret now since I really just wasted my time with watching this crap. The plot was boring, the acting was pretty bad in my opinion and there were some weird plot holes. Really what was even going on? This is supposed to be some revenge story. But I really just wanted to hit the snooze button on this one. Don't bother.
This movie came and went with apparently little notice from the general public or horror fans, unless I just missed it. I came upon it by chance almost two years after it's release so I wasn't expecting much. Set in the 80's, it's a horror ghost story about revenge. It has more than a few genre actors that you'll recognize and a decent story. I found it well-made and entertaining, certainly better than it's rating suggest. There is a bit of a murder mystery but don't expect to much depth there. Nevertheless, I recommend this one to fans of supernatural horror.
Michael Ledo
In Babylon, Florida, Margaret Larkin (Sara Catherine Bellamy) is killed by a masked individual early in the film. Her grandmother (Candy Clark) knows Nathan (Josh Stewart) did it without a thread of evidence. At 40 minutes into the film the killer is revealed (not really a mystery) and is haunted by the dead girl.The film felt like it was made for TV. The plot was rather bland. An overly perky Rachele Brooke Smith is the only eye candy. On the plus side, the special effects reminded me of "Beetlejuice." Not a bad film, but not one you will remember.Guide: No swearing, sex, or nudity.
Someone reviewed before about Tommy Wieseau being in the movie for 10 seconds, I'd say that's an overstatement. He's kind of on screen clearly for maybe 5 seconds tops. Cheesy cameo he say's a line almost directly from "The Room".I went to see this movie thinking it might have some terribly bad but amusing parts. I was wrong, just bad everything. Surprised movies like this still exist somehow.