Really cheesy story about a farm girl going to LA and working at well.. the title says it all. Except for the "you know what" parts of this film it's pretty bad. The best thing and what makes it worth watching though is how much the producer's wife, played by Lauren Hays, looks like Celine Dion. Even in her mannerisms. So this flick is good for a Celine Dion fantasy if nothing else.
Club Wild Side can probably be classified as one of those movies you can only find on Cinemax and Showtime. You can really never find it in a movie store or rental place. Because usually it's either not there or it is checked out,(which seems to happen a lot!) The movie itself is not terrible, it just seems to be misunderstood as a romantic/drama. And if you are not pleased with that classification, just call it anything you want. I myself enjoyed Club Wild Side. Okay, okay, I admit it! The sexual scenes are a big part of why I like the movie! But that's not all I liked about it. The photography was great, and I think Julie Condliff is quite a good actress, and hopefully she will get involved in more movies. She is very talented in theater as well a stunningly attractive young lady. James Horan is also very good in this, he seems to brighten up the show with his superb acting and mild chemistry between Lora. I liked this movie very much and I encourage you to watch it for not just the sex but also for the acting, plot and photography.
Smooth B
This movie is quite marginal. I'm a big Monique Parent fan and go crazy every time I see her in a movie. She has a small supporting role in this one, as owner of Club Wild Side. The older woman (she's not that old, maybe 24-29) in this flick has some of the brightest blue eyes I've ever seen, not to mention she's absolutely gorgeous. It has the formula-laden story of a farm girl coming to southern CA to see her relatives, and let's her inhibitions go out the door when she performs as a stripper at Club Wild Side. I give it a C-. Monique should have had a bigger role in this movie, since she's supposed to be the owner of the club.
...but memorable because it includes an actor I actually recognize! James Horan is, by these types of movies' standards, Lawrence Olivier. He's given some decent performances on stuff like Highlander and various Star Treks, so it's kind of amusing, if mildly depressing, watching him degrade himself here. Okay, yeah, there's a plot. Horan's character and his wife are fighting, he's having an affair with a movie reviewer while trying to do his "masterpiece" film, and their guest decides to enjoy the wonders of stripping. But watching Horan is really the only enjoyment to be found here.