City of Tiny Lights

2016 "Some secrets should remain buried"
City of Tiny Lights
5.6| 1h50m| en| More Info
Released: 12 September 2016 Released
Producted By: Icon Productions
Country: United Kingdom
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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In the teeming, multicultural metropolis of modern-day London, a seemingly straightforward missing-person case launches a down-at-heel private eye into a dangerous world of religious fanaticism and political intrigue.

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Joe This is a low budget movie, but as it has the luck of a few notable names in UK acting, then surely it should have been of far greater quality with what we are lumped with here.Centring round a Private Detective out to find a lost prostitute, as ever there is more than meets the eye, but the storyline never seems to work. If anything there is too much ridiculous nonsense. Added to that is a woeful added back story with the reappearance on an old girlfriend and so on.Most of the cast seems to have just faxed in their parts and Billie Piper appears here as 'Billie Piper' it seems, only there to raise some attention for the film but nothing else.The terrorism, asian community, corruption, police cover up stuff, just doesn't seem to all gel together, and it's a mess.Add in a director who is trying to make this all look high brow, ends up with a number of camera shots which end up taking you away from the film, and it really looks poor. Trying to be creative or showing action or cleverness, but really not at all.I'd say you should just avoid this. It's short but you can spend your time watching better.
rodrig58 I had some bigger expectations from this movie. That's because I had a small role, Protestant Muslim at 1hour 21 plus another scene. I am always terribly sincere and objective, so this is my opinion: I did not read the book but I understood the dialogue perfectly (most of the others who wrote reviews here they are complaining about the bad sound and the incomprehensible English - well, advantage me, I've learned English all alone, watching tens of thousands of films and translating them in my home country, Romania, for 17 years...) The film is neither stupid nor great, it is moderate to not say mediocre. The image is excellent (Felix Wiedemann), and the music also (Ruth Barrett). The actors' performance did not impress me at all. They are just... acting. Overall, the movie is boring, it has nothing spectacular, the story is trivial and uninteresting. Worse and awkward scene is also the most important in the film, when Farzad Akhtar(Roshan Seth) is shooting Jerry Quinn (Barry Aird).
mitchikus I'm a fan of London based tales, probably biased as I grew up in south London, so first off, the American audience very rarely understand our street talk, and secondly, as for sound issues there is none and I was watching low volume too.I really enjoyed this film, yes some parts not superb but all in all its a good watch and has potential.
karinrjeffrey I really enjoyed this British take on the noir genre. It had a sensitive and moving performance by Riz Ahmed as a troubled PI. The plot, like all good noir, is satisfyingly layered. In addition to being an excellent whodunit, it addresses Islamophobia, the treatment of immigrants and the growing feeling that there are hidden agendas that affect our everyday lives. Not high budget or flashy but very well done. Highly recommended.