ChromeSkull: Laid to Rest 2

2011 "Death Polished."
5| 1h33m| R| en| More Info
Released: 20 September 2011 Released
Producted By: Dry County Films
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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After his gruesome encounter with a girl, and being outmatched by his own assistant, ChromeSkull resurges with a horrifying massacre of his own.

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Scarecrow-88 Several strikes against Chromeskull: Laid to Rest II. First, the casting of Brian Austin Green immediately had me groaning intensely inside. No, more like nauseated. I can't stand this 90210 pretty boy trying his hand as a Chromeskull disciple who works for the plot's ludicrous "The Organization", I guess a certain type of covert kill-happy operation that delights in the recording of pretty girls as they are tortured, begging for mercy while the psychopath quietly enjoys his handiwork. Most of the time they are trapped in coffins, crying, pleading, wanting to be freed from this terror, falling on deaf ears. Another strike is the rampant stupidity on display, how the main lead killer seems indestructible. How can such damage to a face and head sustained by the Laid to Rest psycho not lead to his demise? The opening facial reconstruction (including skin graft and eyeball surgery) reminded me of Chucky the Doll's repair in Child's Play 3, to use another embarrassingly ridiculous rebirth of a killer. It is hard to accept any of this without laughing, and if the tone of Laid to Rest II wasn't at times so serious (the lead detective of the most inept police task force I've seen in a thriller in quite some time tries to console the kidnapped final slasher heroine's distraught mother, mentioning he himself has a daughter and will do all he can to get her back safe and alive) you might could take it all in stride and just roll the eyes, have a drink and popcorn, abandoning all preconceptions of this attempting to be anything other than a 90 minute stab-a-thon. This is that in all its glory. I would definitely reward this sick-in-the-head film a "creative kills" award for if there is a way to savagely butcher a person with a blade, Laid to Rest II delivers in spades. One scene has a poor female cop (and not a bad looker, to boot) pressed, mouth-first (ouch!) into a "spinner blade" stuck in a stair step as she was trying to climb away from wannabe Chrome killer, Austin Green. Green has his own Chromeskull mask he wears, so devoted to his "boss", he has the Skull and Knives tattoo inked to his chest. Yeah, he also enjoys provoking the film's screeching heroine into tears, talking about how his master enjoys slaughtering victims. Nice guy, this Austin Green. I just can't even stand to look at that mug of his. Anyway, Chromeskull gets in on the action later as Detective King's (Owain Yeoman) litter of cops enter his abandoned warehouse which looks like it was ripped from a SAW sequel. Between Austin Green and Nick Principe's mangled-faced monstrosity, a whole police force is massacred in one singular location! There is one cop who is hooked to a type of electrical box and submerged, against his will, into a tank of water as his face begins to peel away before being slammed into the side. A number of familiar faces show up (director Robert Hall has a ton of friends, I guess) in supporting roles like organization member Danielle Harris who has a way with ChromeSkull, Thomas Dekker (a nice young actor I liked in the wrongfully cancelled Terminator series, as Tommy, a "loose end" that needs to be eliminated), Gail O'Grady (NYPD Blue) as the heroine's concerned mother, and Johnathon Schaech (The Forsaken; Prom Night remake) as an enigmatic FBI agent. Harris steps away from her usual sweet-victim roles in these kinds of movies to play a cold-blooded heel bucking for Green's position. She even has a scene where she shaves ChromeSkull's head bald and tells him via Internet communication (Skype, whatever you want to call it) to have fun in Hollywood where he seems to fit right in with the crazies who populate the streets. ChromeSkull's Organization is quite hi-tech and intricately designed, quite efficient like the FBI or CIA; it's just so surreal that this movie asks us to believe in this. The ultimate strike against this is the ugly digital photography and steadi-cam epileptic movement. Saving money for the gore gags, I guess as the director seems to enjoy lavishing slasher fans with opens wounds, severed heads, and lots of blood. One great scene I rejoiced was Green's fate as it is quite gruesome. Dekker deserves better than his part provides and Mimi Michaels spends all her screen time in a frenzied state of horror, shirtless (just a bra), and pleading for her life. Michaels' character is losing her sight, so she tries to negotiate by telling Green she couldn't identify if he'd let her go. Of course, you get the follow-up heckling from Green that is expected from a movie of this type. He really thinks he's a badass in this movie, let me tell you. I just threw up in my mouth a little..
Trevor Hayes Growing up in the 80s i was subjected to all the classic slasher horror films, Friday the 13th....nightmare on elm street.....Halloween......and so on. However through the 90s we had very little to be pleased with in the slasher department. A ghost face killer from Scream or The guy off the Fishsticks box cover with a meat hook from I know what you did last summer. However ROBERT HALL busted onto what seemed like a dying genre and gave it a new era ushering in the next age of slashers with his Character CHROMESKULL!!! ChromeSkull : Laid to rest 2 was truly well wasn't an over kill film with a bad story didn't use excessive blood and gore and tits and ass in it to keep the viewers attention. Chromeskull played by Nick Principe was backed with a stellar cast containing Thomas Dekker.....Brian Austin Green.....Mimi Michaels....and Angelina Armani along with Brett Wagner and Danielle Harris to just name a few.Brian Austin green gave the performance of his life in this film. For me only knowing him as David silver from Beverly hills 90210 to seeing him in this he carried the film to the instant cult classic it will become. Nick Principe who plays ChromeSkull is truly an instant icon of today. He will soon be ranked alongside Freddy and Jason and Michael myers. The man plays the character brilliantly.The story was truly a step up from the first film and the kill scenes are truly amazing in this film. As a self proclaimed gore hound i couldn't be happier with Angelina Armani's performance and Death in the film. All around phenomenal spfx by Robert Hall and his Team at ALMOST HUMAN.Robert Hall truly did a Hell of job on this film and it truly shows this time around, i personally believe this film along with the chrome skull character will be iconic in the horror community and genre.
trashgang The specialized magazines loved this flick. I must say that I wasn't a fan of the first one. I liked the gore but it lacked on a story. This one was directed by the same director as part 1 (Robert Hall) and I must say, it was shot in the same way, a lot of gore but again it was written by the director himself and yes, a lack of story...The flick starts were the other one ended at the grocery store. The heroin from part 1 (the wife of Robert Hall, Bobbi Sue Luther) has survived the atrocity at the store and she finally can go away from it all, wrong, after a shower someone is visiting her motel. From there on you can pick up the flick easily because before the shower scene she do has a flashback about what happened at the store. The names from part 1 are back here in this part and some new names like Danielle Harris. She's only in it for a few minutes so don't expect to see her act like in Blood Night: The Legend Of Bloody Mary. Her name is in fact just a teaser. The acting is believable so on that part no complaints.But as I said, the story is weak. Here we do have a fake Chromeskull and of course the real one. The fake one do plays the main part in the first part of Laid To Rest 2. The second part it's gore galore with the real Chromeskull. But it just doesn't fit the way the story is told. Why those two girls are chosen by Chromeskull isn't explained of example. And the coppers doesn't add anything special too.But of course this feature is known for it's gore and that is done in a excellent way. The red stuff do flows a lot and the killings are done in a exaggerated style. The knifes are again impressive. Overall, this movie is really one for the gorehounds and the lovers of torture porn. The Laid To Rest flicks aren't my cup of tea storywise but i do love the gore in it and the way the killings are done.Gore 4/5 Nudity 2/5 Story 2/5 Effects 4/5 Comedy 0/5
gavin6942 ChromeSkull (Nick Principe), who barely escaped death, is hell-bent on continuing where he left off... and forging a new path of terror and destruction.Robert Hall wrote and directed this picture, just like the first part. And Hall proves he knows what he is doing in the big chair -- while primarily known as a makeup artist, he skillfully controls this story and makes it a very powerful franchise for the 21st century. And he has not left the makeup behind, either -- CG is used very sparingly, with more than enough practical effects and gore to satisfy any horror fan.The cast is also a bit stronger this time, with horror icon Danielle Harris making a sizable cameo and the well-known Brian Austin Green in a starring role. His character calls to mind certain aspects of "Saw", which I think is unfortunate, but also overcomes those comparisons. ChromeSkull is not Jigsaw -- he cares not for redemption or to test humanity.There is an expanded mythology in this film centering around "the organization", which I found to be a bit complicated and hard to follow. Maybe I need to view the first film again, view this film again or listen to the commentary. I feel there is a lot of potential here for exploring the organization, and also potential for sequels (though hopefully they do not proceed without having a solid story to tell).This sequel is more mature than the original, but relies on the same strengths -- fast-paced action, terror and gore. If that is the type of horror film you like, this is a must-see for you. I do not wish to say it is anti-cerebral, but this is not a thinking film... it is blood first, story second... and not in a bad way.