Chicken Little has good animations but doesn't have a memorable story or characters. Story is very clichè, it tells a story of a smart but troublemaking chicken boy attempting to stop an alien invasion. While the story is clichè it could evolve in a good and memorable tale, but the terrible ending made the story sound like a big joke. Probably Chicken Little isn't a movie, just a big joke. Despite its flaws I won't be too harsh with this movie. Yes the story is bad and the casting is flawed, but it has some funny moments, a pleasant narration and the character "Fish Out the Water" is a cool, and funny, little guy (just like Kenny form South Park). The movie has also an old, but appreciable, soundtrack.Final verdict 5/10 (mediocre).
Chicken Little is actually the worst Pixar movie but not the worst animated movie. Personally I've seen much worse animated movies. If you want to give this movie a go, then I reccomend to watch it without too many expectetion.
After Chicken Little causes widespread panic--when he mistakes a falling acorn for a piece of the sky--the young chicken is determined to restore his reputation. But just as things are starting to go his way, a real piece of the sky lands on his head. I don't get why 'Chicken Little' is so low in here but anyways i loved this movie then and i love it even more now. I used to have figures and remember playing even the game for it more times than once. The animation is excellent, the voice acting even better and the storyline so adorable just give it a try. (A+)
Oh boy, this is gunn' be a good one.
Chicken Little was an animated movie released in 2005 and is directed by Mark Dindal (The Emperor's New Groove) and written by the same guys who did Brother Bear and Inspector Gadget 2 (Two movies you never knew existed).
Our movie starts off quite unexpected, with the narrator trying to start off the hellfest by opening it with the generic "Once upon a time", the overused storybook, or tell everyone to buy many copies of The Lion King as you can.
Then our film finally starts with a chicken (voiced by Zach Braff of Scrubs) yelling out to everyone that "the sky is falling!" and flat-out ruins the town (complete with a huge ball crashing through the theater while playing Raiders,, then our hero explains what happens, then the worst character ever in animation history (Garry Marshall of The Princess Diaries) pops up out of nowhere.
Then 1 year later, there will be a movie about what happened 3 minutes ago. Then one musical filler later, CL goes to school and meets his friends, an ugly duckling (Joan Cusack of Toy Story), a fat pig who loves Barbara Streisand (for some reasons/Steve Zahn of Diary of a Wimpy Kid), and a literal fish out of water (The film's editor), Then he finds out that his neglectful dad was once a kind-hearted baseball player, So Chicken Little is now a kind-hearted baseball player.
Then after that for another 29 minutes, the aliens invade the town, War of the Worlds-style, and Chicken and his evil dad bring back a baby alien and save the town, and surprisingly and unexpectedly, Foxy turns into a old-fashioned girl singing "Lollipop", and Porky without a diet likes her now, Uhhh... and the movie's out, and the movie ends. (Thank God!)
Overall, the animation feels aged, and the story is boring, Moral of the movie? People around you are mean, but they can work out at the end, plus there are some aliens for a reason, and for the company during this? Disney minus Pixar equals bad idea, Maybe until 2007, The Incredibles was good, Lilo and Stitch was good, Madagascar is good, This movie is not.OVERALL MOVIE: 2/10, I feel like having Popeye's now, If not, KFC.
I think that the title explains a lot about what I mean to say. This film is a total rubbish: not only because it tries to use Computer Generated Imagery to compete with Pixar's masterpiece The Incredibles (released a year before), but because it has also a rubbish story. I mean: Walt Disney himself tried to adapt Chicken Little in 1940s and he failed pretty badly. So, why Eisner decided to make a full-length movie about this story is a mystery: the book from which this piece of junk has been adapted is very poor and very childish, unsuitable for Disney. But then again, Disney came from a period of turmoil and wanted to try something new (Atlantis and Treasure Planet aren't very Disney-sh?, so I may be able to understand why they decided to give credit to this book. What I refuse to understand is the fact that script is almost inconsistent: I mean, where is the plot, if there is one? Even the best topic in the world (a father-son relationship and its troubles) has been thrown in the bin; this is a film without ideas, without soul, without... Just without: in my honest opinion, Disney could have lived happily ever after without this piece of junk. Honestly I think this is the worst film Disney has ever made: yeah, this is even worse than The Black Cauldron: that film, at least, had a shred of a story, had a "plot". What does this movie say? What message delivers it? "Anybody can be mocked to Death by everyone, but when the time comes they will have Revenge?" Or maybe: "it is not important if you are a bully like Foxy Loxy: in the end you will eventually be transformed in an harmless person"? Or perhaps: "you may be the worst parent in the world, but when time comes your son will inexplicably understand and love you?" What's the point????