"Chicago Police Parade" is a 1897 actuality by (who else?) August and Louis Lumiere. Once the Brothers got their cameramen to film elsewhere in the world some nice material was turned out. This one was filmed in Chicago and features, say a hundred, uniformed policemen parading through the streets. This is pretty interesting footage but at the same time there's no getting around the fact that once the parade gets started the film gets tiresome after a bit. I mean, nothing really changes, just marching policemen. At the end there is a horse and buggy. Definitely worth a look because of being a look into the era, but it does get a little bland after a bit.
Chicago défilé de policemen (1896) According to a few different sources this here was the first movie ever filmed in Chicago. That alone makes it worth wtching. This was one of several films that the Lumiere Brothers films in America during a 1896 trip. The film captures a police parade but it's probably more like some training. There were a lot of parades filmed from this era and they all usually have a large crowd watching. Since there wasn't any crowd to be seen I'm going to guess this here was something else. Either way, this is a pretty entertaining film from a historical nature but it's also fascinating getting to see what cops looked like back in 1896. The type of outfits they were wearing is the main focus here. Obviously there's nothing ground-breaking here but it's still great to see the film.
Snow Leopard
This feature displays the usual good composition and photography that you expect from a Lumière film, even their earliest ones. In itself, the material is rather bland. From a purely aesthetic perspective, it would probably have worked better as a still photograph than it does as a movie, because even with plenty of motion, the picture never really changes or develops in any interesting way.The subject is a police parade in Chicago, which in itself is a pretty impressive display, with row after row of solid-looking officers going past, viewed from the diagonal perspective that you see in so many of the Lumière movies. But unlike their more memorable movies of this kind, which have motley collections of factory workers or irregular swarms of photography buffs, here there is only a steadily moving uniform mass, as another commentator here has described in detail.The motion is captured skillfully, and for a few moments the parade is a rather impressive sight. As a whole, it's not one of the more memorable movies of its time, mainly because the film footage just doesn't capture much more than a one-frame photograph could have done.