If you find some things to be so stupid that they're hilarious, then this movie is for you. That is the point of this movie. However, if you rented/bought this movie expecting it to be a conventional comedy, then I recommend that you never rent/buy a comedy that has Ninja or Cheerleader in the title, let alone some combination of the two. I gave the movie a 2 because awful implies that it should never be watched under any circumstance. Cheerleader Ninjas is a solid choice if you're in Blockbuster and want to find the cheesiest movie they have. Going on a rant about how bad this movie was is a waste of breath. Also, if you could not tell by the title, the humor is very immature which can be a plus or a minus depending on your taste.
Why all the hate? I think it is a brilliant film, well worth the rental price. When my VHS tape wears out (cheap vcrs's..), I'll probably buy the DVD! So yes, it's juvenile. Maybe your too old too like the film? The only real complaint I have about the film is that all the computer related plot stuff is about ten years out of date! Only real nerds will get half the stuff now adays, like Usenet and SLIP accounts.About the content, yeah, it is pretty ribald. Lots of masturbation humour and TNA galore. Kinda like super soft core porn, sans X rating.In any case this film is the perfect rental for a horny B-movie loving fifteen year old.
I know there are a lot of people out there looking for terrible movies to watch, because they have great comedic value...this is not one of them. This goes way beyond awful into the realm of what the hell is going on; I considered vomiting. There is a limit to the amount of masturbation jokes that a person can stand. Making fun of trekkies is fine by me, but it wasn't even funny in this movie...and the girls are truly hideous, the acting is terrible, the plot is...nonexistent. Plus it's pretty much porn (but poorer quality), which is certainly not obvious from the movie case. I love bad movies, I really do, but don't watch this with the expectation that "it's so bad it'll be good." Because it isn't. End of story. I'd rather sit through 'Gigli' 100 times.
Graham Campbell (Graham-38)
The most important thing to remember here is that this is not a well done movie. Now, I've seen bad films, like Ghost Ship, and Dark Waters, but this is different. It's almost like it is a high school student making this film with all his friends and neighbors in it. I was glad I saw it, as it has set the benchmark for years. Rent it if you want, but realize that the title is the best part about it.
I too wanted to give this half a star. Oh, and this Kevin Campbell guy is amazing. The fact that RCN carries this in On Demand is some sort of coup.
I think 10 dollars, a polaroid and some of my worst enemies could make a better film than this.